Class IgxSimpleComboComponent

Represents a drop-down list that provides filtering functionality, allowing users to choose a single option from a predefined list.



combobox, single combo selection

Grids & Lists

It provides the ability to filter items as well as perform single selection on the provided data. Additionally, it exposes keyboard navigation and custom styling capabilities.

<igx-simple-combo [itemsMaxHeight]="250" [data]="locationData"
[displayKey]="'field'" [valueKey]="'field'"
placeholder="Location" searchPlaceholder="Search...">



  • IgxComboBaseDirective
    • IgxSimpleComboComponent


  • ControlValueAccessor
  • AfterViewInit
  • DoCheck



addItemTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = null

The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering the ADD BUTTON in the combo drop down

// Set in typescript
const myCustomTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = myComponent.customTemplate;
myComponent.combo.addItemTemplate = myCustomTemplate;
<!-- Set in markup -->
<igx-combo #combo>
<ng-template igxComboAddItem>
<button type="button" igxButton="contained" class="combo__add-button">
Click to add item
addition: EventEmitter<IComboItemAdditionEvent> = ...

Emitted when an item is being added to the data collection

<igx-combo (addition)='handleAdditionEvent($event)'></igx-combo>
allowCustomValues: boolean = false

Controls whether custom values can be added to the collection

// get
let comboAllowsCustomValues = this.combo.allowCustomValues;
<igx-combo [allowCustomValues]='true'></igx-combo>
ariaLabelledBy: string

Sets aria-labelledby attribute value.

<igx-combo [ariaLabelledBy]="'label1'">
clearIconTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = null

The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering the combo CLEAR button

// Set in typescript
const myCustomTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = myComponent.customTemplate;
myComponent.combo.clearIconTemplate = myCustomTemplate;
<!-- Set in markup -->
<igx-combo #combo>
<ng-template igxComboClearIcon>
closed: EventEmitter<IBaseEventArgs> = ...

Emitted after the dropdown is closed

<igx-combo (closed)='handleClosed($event)'></igx-combo>
closing: EventEmitter<IBaseCancelableBrowserEventArgs> = ...

Emitted before the dropdown is closed

<igx-combo (closing)='handleClosing($event)'></igx-combo>
dataPreLoad: EventEmitter<IForOfState> = ...

Emitted when new chunk of data is loaded from the virtualization

<igx-combo (dataPreLoad)='handleDataPreloadEvent($event)'></igx-combo>
disabled: boolean = false

Disables the combo. The default is false.

<igx-combo [disabled]="'true'">
document: Document
emptyTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = null

The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering the ADD BUTTON in the combo drop down

// Set in typescript
const myCustomTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = myComponent.customTemplate;
myComponent.combo.emptyTemplate = myCustomTemplate;
<!-- Set in markup -->
<igx-combo #combo>
<ng-template igxComboEmpty>
<div class="combo--empty">
There are no items to display
filterFunction: ((collection: any[], searchValue: any, filteringOptions: IComboFilteringOptions) => any[])

Gets/Sets the custom filtering function of the combo.

 <igx-comb #combo [data]="localData" [filterFunction]="filterFunction"></igx-combo>

Type declaration

    • (collection, searchValue, filteringOptions): any[]
    • Parameters

      Returns any[]

footerTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = null

The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering the FOOTER for the combo items list

// Set in typescript
const myCustomTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = myComponent.customTemplate;
myComponent.combo.footerTemplate = myCustomTemplate;
<!-- Set in markup -->
<igx-combo #combo>
<ng-template igxComboFooter>
<div class="combo__footer">
This is a custom footer
headerItemTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = null

The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering HEADER ITEMS for groups in the combo list

// Set in typescript
const myCustomTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = myComponent.customTemplate;
myComponent.combo.headerItemTemplate = myCustomTemplate;
<!-- Set in markup -->
<igx-combo #combo>
<ng-template igxComboHeaderItem let-item let-key="groupKey">
<div class="custom-item--group">Group header for {{ item[key] }}</div>
headerTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = null

The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering the HEADER for the combo items list

// Set in typescript
const myCustomTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = myComponent.customTemplate;
myComponent.combo.headerTemplate = myCustomTemplate;
<!-- Set in markup -->
<igx-combo #combo>
<ng-template igxComboHeader>
<div class="combo__header">
This is a custom header
itemsWidth: string

Configures the drop down list width

// get
let myComboItemsWidth = this.combo.itemsWidth;
<igx-combo [itemsWidth] = '"180px"'></igx-combo>
itemTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = null

The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering ITEMS in the combo list

// Set in typescript
const myCustomTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = myComponent.customTemplate;
myComponent.combo.itemTemplate = myCustomTemplate;
<!-- Set in markup -->
<igx-combo #combo>
<ng-template igxComboItem let-item let-key="valueKey">
<div class="custom-item">
<div class="custom-item__name">{{ item[key] }}</div>
<div class="custom-item__cost">{{ item.cost }}</div>
opened: EventEmitter<IBaseEventArgs> = ...

Emitted after the dropdown is opened

<igx-combo (opened)='handleOpened($event)'></igx-combo>
opening: EventEmitter<IBaseCancelableBrowserEventArgs> = ...

Emitted before the dropdown is opened

<igx-combo opening='handleOpening($event)'></igx-combo>
overlaySettings: OverlaySettings = null

Set custom overlay settings that control how the combo's list of items is displayed. Set:

<igx-combo [overlaySettings]="customOverlaySettings"></igx-combo>
 const customSettings = { positionStrategy: { settings: { target: myTarget } } };
combo.overlaySettings = customSettings;

Get any custom overlay settings used by the combo:

 const comboOverlaySettings: OverlaySettings = myCombo.overlaySettings;
placeholder: string

Defines the placeholder value for the combo value field

// get
let myComboPlaceholder = this.combo.placeholder;
<igx-combo [placeholder]='newPlaceHolder'></igx-combo>
searchInputUpdate: EventEmitter<IComboSearchInputEventArgs> = ...

Emitted when the value of the search input changes (e.g. typing, pasting, clear, etc.)

<igx-combo (searchInputUpdate)='handleSearchInputEvent($event)'></igx-combo>
selectionChanging: EventEmitter<ISimpleComboSelectionChangingEventArgs> = ...

Emitted when item selection is changing, before the selection completes

<igx-simple-combo (selectionChanging)='handleSelection()'></igx-simple-combo>
showSearchCaseIcon: boolean = false

Defines whether the caseSensitive icon should be shown in the search input

// get
let myComboShowSearchCaseIcon = this.combo.showSearchCaseIcon;
<igx-combo [showSearchCaseIcon]='true'></igx-combo>
toggleIconTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = null

The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering the combo TOGGLE(open/close) button

// Set in typescript
const myCustomTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = myComponent.customTemplate;
myComponent.combo.toggleIconTemplate = myCustomTemplate;
<!-- Set in markup -->
<igx-combo #combo>
<ng-template igxComboToggleIcon let-collapsed>
<igx-icon>{{ collapsed ? 'remove_circle' : 'remove_circle_outline'}}</igx-icon>
valueKey: string = null

Determines which column in the data source is used to determine the value.

// get
let myComboValueKey = this.combo.valueKey;
<igx-combo [valueKey]='myKey'></igx-combo>
width: string

Sets the style width of the element

// get
let myComboWidth = this.combo.width;
<igx-combo [width]='250px'></igx-combo>


  • get groupKey(): string
  • The item property by which items should be grouped inside the items list. Not usable if data is not of type Object[].

    // get
    let currentGroupKey = this.combo.groupKey;

    Returns string

  • set groupKey(val): void
  • The item property by which items should be grouped inside the items list. Not usable if data is not of type Object[].

    <igx-combo [groupKey]='newGroupKey'></igx-combo>


    • val: string

    Returns void

  • get totalItemCount(): number
  • Gets total count of the virtual data items, when using remote service.

    // get
    let count = this.combo.totalItemCount;

    Returns number

  • set totalItemCount(count): void
  • Sets total count of the virtual data items, when using remote service.

    // set


    • count: number

    Returns void


  • A callback method that is invoked immediately after the default change detector has completed one change-check cycle for a component's view.

    Returns void