Emitted when the active step is changed.
Emitted when the stepper's active step is changing.
<igx-stepper (activeStepChanging)="handleActiveStepChanging($event)">
public handleActiveStepChanging(event: IStepChangingEventArgs) {
if (event.newIndex < event.oldIndex) {
event.cancel = true;
Get/Set whether the content is displayed above the steps.
Get/Set the type of the steps.
this.stepper.stepType = IgxStepType.Indicator;
Get/Set the position of the steps title.
Get/Set the animation duration.
<igx-stepper [animationDuration]="500">
Get/Set the animation type of the stepper when the orientation direction is horizontal.
Get/Set whether the stepper is linear.
Get/Set the stepper orientation.
this.stepper.orientation = IgxStepperOrientation.Vertical;
Get all steps.
const steps: IgxStepComponent[] = this.stepper.steps;
Get/Set the animation type of the stepper when the orientation direction is vertical.
IgxStepper provides a wizard-like workflow by dividing content into logical steps.
Igx Module
Igx Keywords
Igx Group
The Ignite UI for Angular Stepper component allows the user to navigate between multiple steps. It supports horizontal and vertical orientation as well as keyboard navigation and provides API methods to control the active step. The component offers keyboard navigation and API to control the active step.