Class IgxTooltipTargetDirective

Ignite UI for Angular Tooltip Target - Documentation

The Ignite UI for Angular Tooltip Target directive is used to mark an HTML element in the markup as one that has a tooltip. The tooltip target is used in combination with the Ignite UI for Angular Tooltip by assigning the exported tooltip reference to the target's selector property.


<button type="button" igxButton [igxTooltipTarget]="tooltipRef">Hover me</button>
<span #tooltipRef="tooltip" igxTooltip>Hello there, I am a tooltip!</span>


Hierarchy (view full)


  • OnInit
  • OnDestroy



hideDelay: number = 500

Gets/sets the amount of milliseconds that should pass before hiding the tooltip.

// get
let tooltipHideDelay = this.tooltipTarget.hideDelay;
<button type="button" igxButton [igxTooltipTarget]="tooltipRef" [hideDelay]="1500">Hover me</button>
<span #tooltipRef="tooltip" igxTooltip>Hello there, I am a tooltip!</span>
outlet: ElementRef<any> | IgxOverlayOutletDirective

Determines where the toggle element overlay should be attached.

<div igxToggleAction [igxToggleOutlet]="outlet"></div>

Where outlet in an instance of IgxOverlayOutletDirective or an ElementRef

overlaySettings: OverlaySettings

Provide settings that control the toggle overlay positioning, interaction and scroll behavior.

const settings: OverlaySettings = {
closeOnOutsideClick: false,
modal: false

<div igxToggleAction [overlaySettings]="settings"></div>
showDelay: number = 500

Gets/sets the amount of milliseconds that should pass before showing the tooltip.

// get
let tooltipShowDelay = this.tooltipTarget.showDelay;
<button type="button" igxButton [igxTooltipTarget]="tooltipRef" [showDelay]="1500">Hover me</button>
<span #tooltipRef="tooltip" igxTooltip>Hello there, I am a tooltip!</span>
tooltipDisabled: boolean = false

Specifies if the tooltip should not show when hovering its target with the mouse. (defaults to false) While setting this property to 'true' will disable the user interactions that shows/hides the tooltip, the developer will still be able to show/hide the tooltip through the API.

// get
let tooltipDisabledValue = this.tooltipTarget.tooltipDisabled;
<button type="button" igxButton [igxTooltipTarget]="tooltipRef" [tooltipDisabled]="true">Hover me</button>
<span #tooltipRef="tooltip" igxTooltip>Hello there, I am a tooltip!</span>
tooltipHide: EventEmitter<ITooltipHideEventArgs> = ...

Emits an event when the tooltip that is associated with this target starts hiding. This event is fired before the start of the countdown to hiding the tooltip.

tooltipHiding(args: ITooltipHideEventArgs) {
alert("Tooltip started hiding!");
<button type="button" igxButton [igxTooltipTarget]="tooltipRef" (tooltipHide)='tooltipHiding($event)'>Hover me</button>
<span #tooltipRef="tooltip" igxTooltip>Hello there, I am a tooltip!</span>
tooltipShow: EventEmitter<ITooltipShowEventArgs> = ...

Emits an event when the tooltip that is associated with this target starts showing. This event is fired before the start of the countdown to showing the tooltip.

tooltipShowing(args: ITooltipShowEventArgs) {
alert("Tooltip started showing!");
<button type="button" igxButton [igxTooltipTarget]="tooltipRef" (tooltipShow)='tooltipShowing($event)'>Hover me</button>
<span #tooltipRef="tooltip" igxTooltip>Hello there, I am a tooltip!</span>

