Class IgxTreeComponent

IgxTreeComponent allows a developer to show a set of nodes in a hierarchical fashion.




Grids & Lists

The Angular Tree Component allows users to represent hierarchical data in a tree-view structure, maintaining parent-child relationships, as well as to define static tree-view structure without a corresponding data model. Its primary purpose is to allow end-users to visualize and navigate within hierarchical data structures. The Ignite UI for Angular Tree Component also provides load on demand capabilities, item activation, bi-state and cascading selection of items through built-in checkboxes, built-in keyboard navigation and more.

I am a parent node 1
I am a child node 1


  • IgxTree
  • OnInit
  • AfterViewInit
  • OnDestroy



activeNodeChanged: EventEmitter<IgxTreeNode<any>> = ...

Emitted when the active node is changed.

<igx-tree (activeNodeChanged)="activeNodeChanged($event)"></igx-tree>
animationSettings: ToggleAnimationSettings = ...

Get/Set the animation settings that branches should use when expanding/collpasing.

<igx-tree [animationSettings]="customAnimationSettings">
const animationSettings: ToggleAnimationSettings = {
openAnimation: growVerIn,
closeAnimation: growVerOut

this.tree.animationSettings = animationSettings;
cssClass: string = 'igx-tree'
expandIndicator: TemplateRef<any>

A custom template to be used for the expand indicator of nodes

<ng-template igxTreeExpandIndicator let-expanded>
<igx-icon>{{ expanded ? "close_fullscreen": "open_in_full"}}</igx-icon>
nodeCollapsed: EventEmitter<ITreeNodeToggledEventArgs> = ...

Emitted when a node is collapsed, after it finishes

<igx-tree (nodeCollapsed)="handleNodeCollapsed($event)">
public handleNodeCollapsed(event: ITreeNodeToggledEventArgs) {
const collapsedNode: IgxTreeNode<any> = event.node;
console.log("Node is collapsed: ",;
nodeCollapsing: EventEmitter<ITreeNodeTogglingEventArgs> = ...

Emitted when a node is collapsing, before it finishes

<igx-tree (nodeCollapsing)="handleNodeCollapsing($event)">
public handleNodeCollapsing(event: ITreeNodeTogglingEventArgs) {
const collapsedNode: IgxTreeNode<any> = event.node;
if (collapsedNode.alwaysOpen) {
event.cancel = true;
nodeExpanded: EventEmitter<ITreeNodeToggledEventArgs> = ...

Emitted when a node is expanded, after it finishes

<igx-tree (nodeExpanded)="handleNodeExpanded($event)">
public handleNodeExpanded(event: ITreeNodeToggledEventArgs) {
const expandedNode: IgxTreeNode<any> = event.node;
console.log("Node is expanded: ",;
nodeExpanding: EventEmitter<ITreeNodeTogglingEventArgs> = ...

Emitted when a node is expanding, before it finishes

<igx-tree (nodeExpanding)="handleNodeExpanding($event)">
public handleNodeExpanding(event: ITreeNodeTogglingEventArgs) {
const expandedNode: IgxTreeNode<any> = event.node;
if (expandedNode.disabled) {
event.cancel = true;
nodeSelection: EventEmitter<ITreeNodeSelectionEvent> = ...

Emitted when the node selection is changed through interaction

<igx-tree (nodeSelection)="handleNodeSelection($event)">
public handleNodeSelection(event: ITreeNodeSelectionEvent) {
const newSelection: IgxTreeNode<any>[] = event.newSelection;
const added: IgxTreeNode<any>[] = event.added;
console.log("New selection will be: ", newSelection);
console.log("Added nodes: ", event.added);
singleBranchExpand: boolean = false

Get/Set how the tree should handle branch expansion. If set to true, only a single branch can be expanded at a time, collapsing all others

<igx-tree [singleBranchExpand]="true">
const tree: IgxTree = this.tree;
this.tree.singleBranchExpand = false;
toggleNodeOnClick: boolean = false

Get/Set if nodes should be expanded/collapsed when clicking over them.

<igx-tree [toggleNodeOnClick]="true">
const tree: IgxTree = this.tree;
this.tree.toggleNodeOnClick = false;

