Interface GridServiceType

Represents the service interface for interacting with the grid.


cms: IgxColumnMovingService

A service responsible for handling column moving within the grid. It contains a reference to the column, its icon, and indicator for cancelation.

crudService: any

Represents the type of the CRUD service (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the grid data.

grid: GridType

The reference to the parent GridType that contains the service.


  • Represents a method declaration for retrieving all the data available in the grid, including any transactional data. includeTransactions: Optional parameter. Specifies whether to include transactional data if present. Returns an array containing all the data available in the grid.


    • includeTransactions: boolean

    Returns any[]

  • Represents a method declaration for retrieving the cell object associated with a specific row and column using their indexes. It counts only the indexes of the visible columns and rows


    • rowIndex: number
    • columnIndex: number

    Returns any