Interface IRowDataCancelableEventArgs

Represents event arguments related to events, that can occur for rows in a grid Example for events: adding, deleting, selection, transaction, etc.


Hierarchy (view full)


cancel: boolean

Provides the ability to cancel the event.

cellID?: {
    columnID: any;
    rowID: any;
    rowIndex: number;

Type declaration

  • columnID: any
  • rowID: any
  • rowIndex: number
column?: ColumnType

Optional Represents the column information of the edited cell

data: any

since version 17.1.0. Use the rowData property instead.

event?: Event

Optional Represents the original event, that has triggered the edit

isAddRow?: boolean
newValue?: any
oldValue: any
owner: GridType

Represents the grid instance that owns the edit event.

primaryKey: any

Represents the unique key, the row can be associated with. Available if primaryKey exists

since version 17.1.0. Use the rowKey property instead.

rowData: any

rowData represents the updated/committed data of the row after the edit (newValue) The only case rowData (of the current object) is used directly, is when there is no rowEditing or transactions enabled

rowID: any

since version 17.1.0. Use the rowKey property instead.

rowKey: any
valid?: boolean

Optional Indicates if the new value would be valid. It can be set to return the result of the methods for validation of the grid