If using the new style context, re-declare this in your class to be the
of your static contextType
Should be used with type annotation or static contextType.
static contextType = MyContext
// For TS pre-3.7:
context!: React.ContextType<typeof MyContext>
// For TS 3.7 and above:
declare context: React.ContextType<typeof MyContext>
contextIf set, this.context
will be set at runtime to the current value of the given Context.
type MyContext = number
const Ctx = React.createContext<MyContext>(0)
class Foo extends React.Component {
static contextType = Ctx
context!: React.ContextType<typeof Ctx>
render () {
return <>My context's value: {this.context}</>;
Gets the series ActualAreaFillOpacity. This property only applies for area-like series.
Gets the actual brush used by the series.
Gets the label displayed before series value in the Data Legend.
Gets the label displayed before series value in the Data Legend.
Gets the actual mode for displaying highlighted values.
Gets the actual target opacity to fade to for fade style highlighting.
Gets whether drop shadow is actually enabled for this series.
Gets whether the spline part is considered to be part of the range
Gets the the resolved value of whether transition in is enabled.
Gets the actual LegendItemBadgeMode of the series.
Gets the actual LegendItemBadgeShape of the series.
Gets the actual legend item badge template used by the series.
Gets the actual legend item template used by the series.
Gets the actual visibility of the legend items in the series.
Gets the actual end cap used by the series.
Gets the actual marker brush of the series.
Gets whether the marker fill is based on the marker outline of the series rather than the marker brushes collection.
Gets the actual opacity to use for hte marker fills.
Gets the actual marker outline of the series.
Gets whether the marker outline is based on the marker brush of the series rather than the marker outlines collection.
Gets the actual marker template used by the series.
Gets actual marker thickness of this stacked fragment.
Gets the actual marker type set used in the series.
Gets the series opacity.
Gets the series outline.
Gets the actual outline mode to use for the fragment.
Gets the actual corner radius of the series
Gets the actual corner radius of the series
Gets the actual shadow blur used by the series.
Gets actual the drop shadow color used by the series.
Gets the actual drop shadow x-offset applied to the series.
Gets the actual drop shadow y-offset applied to the series.
Gets or sets the thickness of this stacked fragment.
Gets the series transition duration.
Gets the series transition easing function.
Gets the series transition easing function.
Gets the resolved transition in duration
Gets the series transition easing function.
Gets the series transition easing function.
Gets the series transition easing function.
Gets the series transition easing function.
Gets whether drop shadow is actually applied to the whole StackedFragmentSeries visual or to each of the individual shapes forming the StackedFragmentSeries.
Gets the label displayed before series value in the Data Legend.
Gets the unit displayed after series value in the Data Legend.
Gets the actual visibility of the stacked fragment.
Gets or sets the AreaFillOpacity of the stacked fragment. This property only applies for area-like series.
Gets or sets the brush of the stacked fragment.
Gets or sets a collection of Double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that is used to outline the current series object.
Gets or sets a name used for grouping multiple fragment series in the Data Legend If not set, series will be grouped by series family, e.g. "Stacked Series"
Gets or sets the ItemsSource property for the current series object. Normally you will want to provide data to the parent series instead. But if you have data as individual columns, it can be assigned here. The data must be aligned and have the same number of items for each fragment.
Gets or sets the HighlightedItemsSource property for the current series object.
Gets or sets a name used for grouping highlighted series in the Data Legend If not set, series will default to main series' HighlightedValuesDataLegendGroup, e.g. "Stacked Highlight"
Gets or sets the target opacity to fade to for fade style highlighting.
Gets or sets whether drop shadow should be enabled for this series.
Gets or sets whether to include the spline shape in the axis range requested of the axis.
Gets or sets whether the series should transition into the plot area when a new data source is assigned. Note: Transitions are not currently supported for stacked series.
Gets or sets the mode of legend badge representing the current series in a legend. This property will be ignored when the LegendItemTemplate or LegendItemBadgeTemplate property is set on the series
Gets or sets the type of legend badge representing the current series in a legend. This property will be ignored when the LegendItemTemplate or LegendItemBadgeTemplate property is set on the series
Gets or sets the LegendItemBadgeTemplate property. The legend item badge is created according to the LegendItemBadgeTemplate on-demand by the series object itself.
Gets or sets the LegendItemTemplate property. The legend item control content is created according to the LegendItemTemplate on-demand by the series object itself.
Gets or sets the legend item visibility for the current series object.
The style of the end points of any lines or polylines representing this series. Not every series type has a line at which it would be appropriate to display an end cap, so this property does not affect every series type. LineSeries, for example, is affected by EndCap, but ColumnSeries is not.
Gets or sets the brush that specifies how the current series object's marker interiors are painted.
Gets or sets whether the marker fill is based on the marker outline of the series rather than the marker brushes collection.
Gets or sets the opacity to use for the marker fills.
Gets or sets the brush that specifies how the current series object's marker outlines are painted.
Gets or sets whether the marker outline is based on the marker brush of the series rather than the marker outlines collection.
Gets or sets the MarkerTemplate for the current series object.
Gets or sets the width of the current series object's marker thickness.
Gets or sets the marker type for the current series object. If the MarkerTemplate property is set, the setting of the MarkerType property will be ignored.
Gets or sets the Name of the stacked fragment.
Gets or sets the Opacity of the stacked fragment.
Gets or sets the brush to use for the outline of the series. Some series types, such as LineSeries, do not display outlines. Therefore, this property does not affect some charts.
Gets or sets the outline mode to use for the fragment.
Gets the resolved brush used between the local series and the parent series.
Event raised when a property (including "effective" and non-dependency property) value changes.
Event raised when a property (including "effective" and non-dependency property) value changes.
Gets or sets the x-radius of the ellipse that is used to round the corners of the column. This only applies to Bar and Column series.
Gets or sets the y-radius of the ellipse that is used to round the corners of the column. This only applies to Bar and Column series.
Gets or sets the shadow blur. This property is ignored when StackedFragmentSeries.UseSingleShadow is set to true.
Gets or sets the drop shadow color.
Gets or sets the drop shadow x-offset.
Gets or sets the drop shadow y-offset.
Gets or sets the width of the current series object's line thickness.
Gets or sets the Title property. The legend item control is created according to the Title on-demand by the series object itself.
Gets or sets the duration of the current series's morph.
Gets or sets the EasingFunction used to morph the current series.
Gets or sets the EasingFunction used to morph the current series.
Gets or sets the duration of the current series's transition in morph.
Gets or sets the EasingFunction used to morph the current series during the initial transition.
Gets or sets the EasingFunction used to morph the current series during the initial transition.
Gets or sets the method by which to animate the data into the chart when the chart data source is swapped. Note: Transitions are not currently supported for stacked series.
Gets or sets the duration of the current series's transition in morph.
Gets or sets whether drop shadow is applied to the whole StackedFragmentSeries visual or to each of the individual shapes forming the StackedFragmentSeries. When this property is set to true, no StackedFragmentSeries.ShadowBlur is applied.
Gets or sets the label displayed before series value in the Data Legend.
Gets or sets the unit displayed after series value in the Data Legend.
Gets or sets the value mapping property for the current series object.
Gets or sets the Visibility of the stacked fragment.
UNSAFE_Called immediately before mounting occurs, and before Component#render
Avoid introducing any side-effects or subscriptions in this method.
This method will not stop working in React 17.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use componentDidMount or the constructor instead
UNSAFE_Called when the component may be receiving new props. React may call this even if props have not changed, so be sure to compare new and existing props if you only want to handle changes.
Calling Component#setState
generally does not trigger this method.
This method will not stop working in React 17.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use static getDerivedStateFromProps instead
UNSAFE_Called immediately before rendering when new props or state is received. Not called for the initial render.
Note: You cannot call Component#setState
This method will not stop working in React 17.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use getSnapshotBeforeUpdate instead
componentCalled immediately after updating occurs. Not called for the initial render.
The snapshot is only present if getSnapshotBeforeUpdate is present and returns non-null.
componentCalled immediately before mounting occurs, and before Component#render
Avoid introducing any side-effects or subscriptions in this method.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use componentDidMount or the constructor instead; will stop working in React 17
componentCalled when the component may be receiving new props. React may call this even if props have not changed, so be sure to compare new and existing props if you only want to handle changes.
Calling Component#setState
generally does not trigger this method.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use static getDerivedStateFromProps instead; will stop working in React 17
componentCalled immediately before rendering when new props or state is received. Not called for the initial render.
Note: You cannot call Component#setState
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use getSnapshotBeforeUpdate instead; will stop working in React 17
If possible, will return the best available value marker bounding box within the series that has the best value match for the world position provided.
getRuns before React applies the result of render
to the document, and
returns an object to be given to componentDidUpdate. Useful for saving
things such as scroll position before render
causes changes to it.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate prevents any of the deprecated lifecycle events from running.
Represents a non-visual child of StackedSeriesBase.