Interface IIgrInputProps




autocomplete?: string

The autocomplete attribute of the control.

autofocus?: string | boolean

The autofocus attribute of the control.

blur?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

change?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

children?: ReactNode
className?: string
defaultValue?: any

The initial value of the component.

disabled?: string | boolean

The disabled state of the component

focus?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

id?: string
inputMode?: string

The input mode attribute of the control. See relevant MDN article

inputOcurred?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

invalid?: string | boolean

Control the validity of the control.

label?: string

The label for the control.

max?: string

The max attribute of the control.

maxLength?: string | number

The maximum string length of the control.

min?: string

The min attribute of the control.

minLength?: string | number

The minimum string length required by the control.

name?: string

The name attribute of the control.

outlined?: string | boolean

Whether the control will have outlined appearance.

pattern?: string

The pattern attribute of the control.

placeholder?: string

The placeholder attribute of the control.

readOnly?: string | boolean

Makes the control a readonly field.

required?: string | boolean

Makes the control a required field in a form context.

step?: string | number

The step attribute of the control.

style?: CSSProperties
type?: string | InputType

The type attribute of the control.

validateOnly?: string | boolean

Enables validation rules to be evaluated without restricting user input. This applies to the maxLength property for string-type inputs or allows spin buttons to exceed the predefined min/max limits for number-type inputs.

value?: string

The value of the control.