


actualInterval?: string | number

Gets the effective value for the current Interval.

let effectiveInterval: number = xAxis.actualInterval;
actualMajorStroke?: string

Gets or sets the ActualMajorStroke property.

The ActualMajorStroke property is used for ActualMajorStroke of the axis.

actualMinorInterval?: string | number

Gets the effective value for the current MinorInterval.

let effectiveMinorInterval: number = xAxis.actualMinorInterval;
actualMinorStroke?: string

Gets or sets the ActualMinorStroke property.

The ActualMinorStroke property is used for ActualMinorStroke of the axis.

actualStroke?: string

Gets or sets the effective stroke used for the axis.

children?: ReactNode
coercionMethods?: any

Gets or sets the coercion methods to use when loading data from data sources. Should be specified before setting any member paths, if being used. Setting it later will not cause data to be re-imported into the chart.

The coercionMethods methods is to use when loading data from data sources. Should be specified before setting any member paths, if being used. Setting it later will not cause data to be reimported into the chart.

crossingAxis?: IgrAxis<IIgrAxisProps>

Gets or sets the CrossingAxis property.

The CrossingAxis property is used for CrossingAxis .

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis"
crossingAxisName= "xAxis"
crossingValue= {700}/>
crossingAxisName?: string

Gets or sets the name to use to resolve crossingAxis from markup.

crossingValue?: any

Gets or sets the CrossingValue property.

The CrossingValue property is used for CrossingValue of the axis.

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis"
crossingAxis= "xAxis"
crossingValue= {700}/>
dataSource?: any
enhancedIntervalMinimumCharacters?: string | number

Gets or sets the minimum desired characters to be displayed for horizontal axes when using advanced label heuristics. -1 will attempt to adjust the interval to precisely fit the horizontal labels.

The EnhancedIntervalMinimumCharacters property is used to set the mininum desired characters to be displayed for horizontal axes when using advanced label heuristics.

enhancedIntervalPreferMoreCategoryLabels?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the enhanced interval management should prefer to show all the labels if possible without collisions for supported types of category axes. This is for use with EnhancedIntervalMinimumCharacters = -1 and axes that have an integral interval.

expectFunctions?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the series should expect that properties in its items source may be functions that need to be evaluated to yield their value. This defaults to false, as there will be a subtle performance impact to using this feature. This value must be set before assigning an item's source to take effect.

formatLabel?: ((item) => string)

Type declaration

    • (item): string
    • Sets or gets a function which takes an object that produces a formatted label for displaying in the chart.

      The FormatLabel function takes an object that produces a formatted label for displaying in the chart.

      <IgrDataChart dataSource={this.data}   >
      FormatLabel="xAxis_FormatLabel" />


      • item: any

      Returns string

gap?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of space between adjacent categories for the current axis object. The gap is silently clamped to the range [0, 1] when used.

Use the Gap property to configure the spacing between items on a category axis with item spacing.

A Gap of 0 allocates no space between items. A Gap of 1 allocates a space between items equal to the width of one item.

To set the item spacing to 75% the width of one item, set the Gap to 0.75, as in this code:

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis" gap={0.4} />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

valueMemberPath="Value" />
interval?: string | number

Gets or sets the frequency of displayed labels. The set value is a factor that determines which labels will be hidden. For example, an interval of 2 will display every other label.

Interval determines how often to show a label, tickmark, and/or gridline along the x-axis. Set this property to n to display a label every nth item.

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis" interval="3" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

isDisabled?: string | boolean

Gets or sets the IsDisabled property. If true, the axis will not be rendered.

The IsDisabled property is used to decide if the axis will not be rendered.

isInverted?: string | boolean

Gets or sets the IsInverted property.

Gets or sets the IsInverted property.

itemsCount?: string | number

Gets the number of items in the current category axis items source.

label?: any

Gets or sets the axis label format string.

The Label property is used for label mapping of the axis labels.

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
labelTextStyle="9pt Verdana"
labelTextColor="gray" />
labelAngle?: string | number

Gets or sets the angle of the {0}.

The Angle property is used to set the angle of the axis.


<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
titleAngle={90} />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />
<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
titleTextStyle="12pt Verdana"
titleAngle={90} />
labelBottomMargin?: string | number

Margin applied below the {0}.

The labelBottomMargin is used to set the bottom margin of the labels.

labelExtent?: string | number

Distance between the axis and the edge of the control.

The Extent property is used for the extent.


<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />
labelFormat?: string

Gets or sets the label format string to use for the label.

labelFormatSpecifiers?: any[]

Gets or sets the format specifiers to use with the LabelFormat string.

labelHorizontalAlignment?: string | HorizontalAlignment

Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the {0}.

The HorizontalAlignment property is used for the horizontal alignment.

labelLeftMargin?: string | number

Margin applied to the left of the {0}.

The labelLeftMargin property is used for the left margin of the labels.

labelLocation?: string | AxisLabelsLocation

Gets or sets the location of the {0}.

The Location property is used for the location.

labelRightMargin?: string | number

Margin applied to the right of the {0}.

The labelRightMargin property is used for the right margin of the labels.

labelShowFirstLabel?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the first label is displayed when the zoom level is set to 1.

The ShowFirstLabel is used to check whether the first label is displayed when the zoom level is set to 1.

labelTextColor?: string

The color of the {0}.

The labelTextColor property Overrides the color of the text used for the axis labels.


<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
labelTextColor="gray" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />
<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
titleTextStyle="12pt Verdana"
titleAngle={90} />
labelTextStyle?: string

Gets or sets the text style to use for axis labels.

The labelTextStyle property Overrides the style of the text used for the axis labels.


<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
titleTextStyle="12pt Verdana" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />
<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
titleTextStyle="12pt Verdana"
titleAngle={90} />
labelTopMargin?: string | number

Margin applied above the {0}.

The labelTopMargin property is used for the top margin of the labels.

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
labelTextStyle="9pt Verdana"
labelTextColor="gray" />
labelVerticalAlignment?: string | VerticalAlignment

Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the {0}.

The VerticalAlignment property is used for the vertical alignment of the axis.

labelVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the visibility of the {0}.

The Visibility property is used for the visibility of the axis.

majorStroke?: string

Gets or sets the MajorStroke property. Null is treated as auto. Major lines will be displayed or not based on the axis type and series used with it.

Gets or sets the MajorStroke using this property.

<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis"
minorStrokeThickness={0.5} />
majorStrokeDashArray?: string | number[]

Gets or sets the MajorStrokeDashArray property.

majorStrokeThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the MajorStrokeThickness property.

Gets or sets the MajorStrokeThickness using this property.

<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis"
minorStrokeThickness={0.5} />
maximumGap?: string | number

Gets or sets the maximum gap value to allow. This defaults to 1.0.

minimumGapSize?: string | number

Gets or sets the minimum amount of pixels to use for the gap between categories, if possible.

minorInterval?: string | number

Gets or sets the frequency of displayed minor lines. The set value is a factor that determines how the minor lines will be displayed.

MinorInterval determines how often to show a minor gridline along the x-axis. This property is relevant only when the displayed series is a type with grouping, like column series.

MinorInterval is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, representing the frequency of the interval. To display minor gridlines representing 10ths of an item width, set MinorInterval to 0.1.

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
minorStrokeThickness={1} />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

minorStroke?: string

Gets or sets the MinorStroke property.

Gets or sets the minorStroke thickness using MinorStrokeThickness property.

<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis"
minorStrokeThickness={0.5} />
minorStrokeDashArray?: string | number[]

Gets or sets the MinorStrokeDashArray property.

minorStrokeThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the MinorStrokeThickness property.

name: string

Sets or gets a required unique name for the axis.

overlap?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of overlap between adjacent categories for the current axis object. The overlap is silently clamped to the range [-1, 1] when used.

Use the Overlap property to configure the spacing between items on a category axis with item spacing and more than one series.

An Overlap of 0 places grouped items adjacent to each other. An Overlap of 1 places grouped items in the same axis space, completely overlapping. An Overlap of -1 places a space between grouped items equal to the width of one item.

To place grouped items with 75% overlap, set the Overlap to 0.75, as in this code:

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis" overlap={1} />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

rangeChanged?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

renderRequested?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

shouldAvoidAnnotationCollisions?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether annotations should be shifted to avoid collision, even if this would result in them appearing where they shouldn't be along the scale.

shouldKeepAnnotationsInView?: string | boolean

ets or sets whether annotations should be kept in view, even if they aren't positioned where they should appear on the scale.

strip?: string

Gets or sets the Strip property.

Use Strip property to set the strip of the chart.

stroke?: string

Gets or sets the Stroke property. Null is treated as auto. The axis stroke will be displayed or not based on the axis type and series used with it.

Use Stroke property to set the stroke of the chart.

strokeDashArray?: string | number[]

Gets or sets the StrokeDashArray property.

strokeThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the StrokeThickness property.

Use StrokeThickness property for the thickness of the stroke.

tickLength?: string | number

Gets or sets the TickLength property.

Use TickLength property for The length of the tickmarks to display for this axis.

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
tickStroke="black" />
tickStroke?: string

Gets or sets the TickStroke property.

Use TickStroke property for the color of the tickmarks.

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
tickStroke="black" />
tickStrokeDashArray?: string | number[]

Gets or sets the TickStrokeDashArray property.

tickStrokeThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the TickStrokeThickness property.

Use TickStrokeThickness property for thickness of the stroke tickmarks.

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
tickStroke="black" />
title?: string

Gets or sets the Title property.

Use Title property to display the title of the component.

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
titleTextStyle="12pt Verdana"
titleAngle={90} />
titleAngle?: string | number

Gets or sets the angle of the {0}.

The Angle property is used to set the angle of the axis.


<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
titleAngle={90} />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />
<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
titleTextStyle="12pt Verdana"
titleAngle={90} />
titleBottomMargin?: string | number

Margin applied below the {0}.

The labelBottomMargin is used to set the bottom margin of the labels.

titleExtent?: string | number

Distance between the axis and the edge of the control.

The Extent property is used for the extent.


<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />
titleHorizontalAlignment?: string | HorizontalAlignment

Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the {0}.

The HorizontalAlignment property is used for the horizontal alignment.

titleLeftMargin?: string | number

Margin applied to the left of the {0}.

The labelLeftMargin property is used for the left margin of the labels.

titleLocation?: string | AxisLabelsLocation

Gets or sets the location of the {0}.

The Location property is used for the location.

titlePosition?: string | AxisTitlePosition

Gets or sets the title position relative to the axis labels.

titleRightMargin?: string | number

Margin applied to the right of the {0}.

The labelRightMargin property is used for the right margin of the labels.

titleShowFirstLabel?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the first label is displayed when the zoom level is set to 1.

The ShowFirstLabel is used to check whether the first label is displayed when the zoom level is set to 1.

titleTextColor?: string

The color of the {0}.

The labelTextColor property Overrides the color of the text used for the axis labels.


<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
labelTextColor="gray" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />
<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
titleTextStyle="12pt Verdana"
titleAngle={90} />
titleTextStyle?: string

Gets or sets the text style to use for axis labels.

The labelTextStyle property Overrides the style of the text used for the axis labels.


<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
titleTextStyle="12pt Verdana" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />
<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
titleTextStyle="12pt Verdana"
titleAngle={90} />
titleTopMargin?: string | number

Margin applied above the {0}.

The labelTopMargin property is used for the top margin of the labels.

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis"
labelTextStyle="9pt Verdana"
labelTextColor="gray" />
titleVerticalAlignment?: string | VerticalAlignment

Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the {0}.

The VerticalAlignment property is used for the vertical alignment of the axis.

titleVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the visibility of the {0}.

The Visibility property is used for the visibility of the axis.

useClusteringMode?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the category axis should use clustering display mode even if no series are present that would force clustering mode.

UseClusteringMode applies grouping and spacing to a category axis equivalent to the grouping that occurs when grouping series, such as ColumnSeries, are used.

Try setting it on an axis displaying financial series to adjust the spacing on the left and right sides of the axis:

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis" useClusteringMode={2} />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

valueMemberPath="Value" />
useEnhancedIntervalManagement?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether to use more advanced heuristics when determining the initial number of labels to render, before resolving collisions, etc.

Use UseEnhancedIntervalManagement property to gets/sets whether to use more advanced heuristics when determining the initial number of labels to render, before resolving collisions, etc.

usePerLabelHeightMeasurement?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether to use label height measurement when determining the initial number of labels to render, before resolving collisions, etc.

zoomMaximumCategoryRange?: string | number

Gets or sets number of visible categories at maximum zooming level This property is overridden by chart's WindowRectMinWidth property

zoomMaximumItemSpan?: string | number

Gets or sets maximum pixel span of series item that will be visible at maximum zooming level This property ensures that series item does not get stretch above specified value. This property is overridden by chart's WindowRectMinWidth property

zoomToCategoryRange?: string | number

Gets or sets range of categories that the chart will zoom in to and fill plot area This property is overridden by chart's WindowRect or WindowScaleHorizontal properties

zoomToCategoryStart?: string | number

Gets or sets starting category that chart will move its zoom window. Acceptable value is between 0 and number of data items This property is overridden by chart's WindowRect or WindowScaleHorizontal properties

zoomToItemSpan?: string | number

Gets or sets pixel span of series item that will be used to zoom chart such that the item has desired span Chart will automatically zoom in until series item has specified pixel span. This property is overridden by chart's WindowRect or WindowScaleHorizontal properties