



activationBorder?: string

Gets or sets the background color to use.

activationBorderBottomWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of bottom activation border to use for the cell content of this column.

activationBorderLeftWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of left activation border to use for the cell content for this column.

activationBorderRightWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of right activation border to use for the cell content of this column.

activationBorderTopWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of top activation border to use for the cell content for this column.

actualActivationBorder?: string

Gets the actual background color that will be used.

actualBackground?: string

Gets the actual background color that will be used.

actualBorder?: string

Gets the actual border color that will be used.

actualColumnOptionsIconAlignment?: string | ColumnOptionsIconAlignment

Gets the actual column options icon alignment for this column.

actualColumnOptionsIconBehavior?: string | ColumnOptionsIconBehavior

Gets or sets how the column option icon will behave in the column header.

actualColumnOptionsIconColor?: string

Gets the actual column options icon color for this column.

actualDeletedTextColor?: string

Gets the actual text color used for deleted rows.

actualEditFontInfo?: string

Gets the actual font style used for unsaved cell edits.

actualEditOpacity?: string | number

Gets the actual opacity for unsaved edited cell values.

actualErrorBorder?: string

Gets the actual error border color that will be used.

actualHeaderText?: string

Gets the actual text displayed in the header of the column

actualHoverBackground?: string

Gets the actual background color that is used for the cells when they are hovered.

actualIsColumnOptionsEnabled?: string | boolean

Gets the actual state of the column options for this column.

actualIsColumnOptionsGroupingEnabled?: string | boolean

Gets the actual state of grouping menu in the column options for this column.

actualIsColumnOptionsSummariesEnabled?: string | boolean

Gets the actual state of summaries menu in the column options for this column.

actualLastStickyRowBackground?: string

Gets the actual color for the last row in the sticky row area.

actualLineBreakMode?: string | TextCellLineBreakMode

Gets the actual line break mode which will be used if text is present in the cell.

actualPinnedRowBackground?: string

Gets the actual background color for cells belonging to rows marked as pinned.

actualPinnedRowOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the color to use for displaying text.

actualRowHoverTextColor?: string

Gets the actual text color that is used for the cells when they are hovered.

actualSelectedBackground?: string

Gets the actual background color that is used for the cells when they are selected

actualStickyRowBackground?: string

Gets the actual background color for content that sticks to the top of the grid.

actualTextColor?: string

Gets the actual color used for displaying text.

animationSettings?: IgrGridColumnAnimationSettings

Gets or sets the animation settings to use for this column.

background?: string

Gets or sets the background color to use.

border?: string

Gets or sets the background color to use.

borderBottomWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of bottom border to use for the cell content of this column.

borderLeftWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of left border to use for the cell content for this column.

borderRightWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of right border to use for the cell content of this column.

borderTopWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of top border to use for the cell content for this column.

cellStyleKeyRequested?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

children?: ReactNode
columnOptionsIconAlignment?: string | ColumnOptionsIconAlignment

Gets or sets whether the column options icon is aligned opposite the header text or not.

columnOptionsIconBehavior?: string | ColumnOptionsIconBehavior

Gets or sets how the column option icon will behave in the column header.

columnOptionsIconColor?: string

Gets or sets the column options icon color for this column.

contentOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the opacity of the content.

dataBinding?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

dataBound?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

deletedTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the text color used for deleted rows.

editOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the opacity to use for unsaved edited cell values.

editorDataSource?: any

Gets or sets the ComboBox data source.

editorTextField?: string

Gets or sets the ComboBox text field.

editorType?: string | EditorType

Gets or sets the editor type used for editing cells in this column.

editorValueField?: string

Gets or sets the ComboBox value field.

errorBorder?: string

Gets or sets the error border color to use.

errorBorderBottomWidth?: string | number
errorBorderLeftWidth?: string | number
errorBorderRightWidth?: string | number
errorBorderTopWidth?: string | number
field?: string

Gets or sets the key used for the column binding

filter?: ColumnFilterCondition

Gets or sets a filter to apply on the values of this column

filterComparisonType?: string | FilterComparisonType

Gets or sets whether UI filters are case sensitive or not.

filterExpression?: IFilterExpression

Gets or sets a filter to apply to the values of this column.

Gets or sets the header definition for this column.

headerText?: string

Gets or sets the text displayed in the header of the column

horizontalAlignment?: string | CellContentHorizontalAlignment

Gets or sets the horizontal alignment to use for the cell content.

imageStretchOption?: string | ImageStretchOptions

Gets or sets the stretch option to use when rendering images

isAutoGenerated?: string | boolean

Gets whether this column was auto generated.

isColumnOptionsEnabled?: string | boolean

Gets or sets the preferred state of the column options for this column. If the feature is disabled at the grid level then it will be disabled for the column regardless of what this is set to.

isColumnOptionsGroupingEnabled?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether to show the grouping option in the column options menu for this column.

isColumnOptionsSummariesEnabled?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether to show the summaries option in the column options menu for this column.

isEditable?: string | boolean

Gets or sets if the column is editable.

isFilteringEnabled?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether filtering is enabled for this column.

isFromMarkup?: string | boolean

Gets whether this column was projected from markup/templates and is constrained.

isHidden?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether or not a column is hidden from the grid

isResizingEnabled?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether resizing is enabled for this column.

lastStickyRowBackground?: string

Gets or sets the color for the last row in the sticky row area.

lineBreakMode?: string | TextCellLineBreakMode

Gets or sets the line breaking mode to use if text is present in the cell.

mergedCellEvaluationCriteria?: string | MergedCellEvaluationCriteria

Gets or sets how cells are evaluated for merging.

mergedCellMode?: string | MergedCellMode

Gets or sets if and how cell merging is performed for this field.

mergedCellPaddingBottom?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of bottom padding to use for the cell content of this column.

mergedCellPaddingLeft?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of left padding to use for the cell content for this column.

mergedCellPaddingRight?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of right padding to use for the cell content of this column.

mergedCellPaddingTop?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of top padding to use for the cell content for this column.

mergedCellVerticalAlignment?: string | CellContentVerticalAlignment

Gets or sets the vertical alignment to use for the merged cell content.

minWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the minimum width to use for this column. Overrides the DefaultColumnMinWidth from the grid, if set.

name?: string

Gets or sets an unique name of the Column

paddingBottom?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of bottom padding to use for the cell content of this column.

paddingLeft?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of left padding to use for the cell content for this column.

paddingRight?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of right padding to use for the cell content of this column.

paddingTop?: string | number

Gets or sets the amount of top padding to use for the cell content for this column.

pinned?: string | PinnedPositions

Gets or sets the current fixed position for this column.

pinnedRowBackground?: string

Gets or sets the background color for cells belonging to rows marked as pinned.

pinnedRowOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the color to use for displaying text.

rowHoverBackground?: string

Gets or sets the background color to use for the cells when the row is hovered.

rowHoverTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the text color to use for the cells when the row is hovered.

selectedBackground?: string

Gets or sets the background color to use for the cells when they are selected

shouldRemoveWhenHidden?: string | boolean

Gets or sets if a column should be removed from the grid when it is fully hidden

sortDirection?: string | ColumnSortDirection

Gets the current sort direction (None, Ascending, Descending) for this column.

stickyRowBackground?: string

Gets or sets the background color for content that sticks to the top of the grid.

textColor?: string

Gets or sets the color to use for displaying text.

textEditStyle?: string

Gets or sets the font style to use for unsaved cell edits.

textStyle?: string
verticalAlignment?: string | CellContentVerticalAlignment

Gets or sets the vertical alignment to use for the cell content.

width?: string | IgrColumnWidth

Gets or sets the width to use for this column.