Describes available behaviors for performing hit testing in the chart/map.

Enumeration Members

Auto: 0

Automatically decide the appropriate hit test mode for the content.

ColorEncoded: 2

Use a color encoded off screen buffer for hit testing. This can have extremely rare false positives where the wrong series is hit (this is due to our inability to disable anti-aliasing in our color buffer), but should always be O(1) time for determining a hit series. This increases frame render time, however. Consider using this if hit testing time is degrading performance.

Computational: 1

Use a computational based approach to determine which series has been hit. This uses loose bounding boxes, in some cases, and can range in time complexity between O(1) and O(log n) to find a hit. This decreases frame render time compared to color encoded.

Mixed: 3

Let each series decide which hit testing mode to use individually based on their own hit test mode.

MixedFavoringComputational: 4

Let each series decide which hit testing mode to use individually based on their own hit test mode, but evaluate all computational hits before evaluating any color encoding hits.