Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.

Enumeration Members

Auto: 0

Series horizontal plot area margin mode is determined by the component.

BottomBufferTopBuffer: 2

The bottom of the horizontal axis will have a range buffer, if applicable, and the top of the horizontal axis will have a range buffer, if applicable.

BottomBufferTopMargin: 4

The bottom of the horizontal axis will have a range buffer, if applicable, and the top of the horizontal axis will have a plot area margin, if applicable.

BottomMarginTopBuffer: 3

The bottom of the horizontal axis will have a plot area margin, if applicable, and the top of the horizontal axis will have a range buffer, if applicable.

BottomMarginTopMargin: 1

The bottom of the horizontal axis will have a plot area margin, if applicable, and the top of the horizontal axis will have a plot area margin, if applicable.

None: 5

No horizontal contributions to plot area margins will be made.