Describes type of data columns to use for the data legend.

Enumeration Members

Angle: 10

Specifies the Angle data column for the polar series

Average: 6

Specifies the average column between high/low for the range series

Change: 9

Specifies the Change data column for the financial price series

Close: 4

Specifies the Close data column for the financial price series

Fill: 12

Specifies the Fill data column for the bubble series

High: 2

Specifies the High data column for the financial price series and range series

Low: 1

Specifies the Low data column for the financial price series and range series

Open: 3

Specifies the Open data column for the financial price series

Radius: 11

Specifies the Radius data column for the polar series, radial series, and bubble series

Range: 7

Specifies the range column between high/low for the range series

Summary: 15

Specifies the summary data columns for all series

TypicalPrice: 5

Specifies the typical price column for the financial price series: (high + low + close) / 3

Value: 0

Specifies the Value data column for the category series and radial series

Volume: 8

Specifies the Volume data column for the financial price series

XValue: 13

Specifies the X data column for the bubble series and scatter series

YValue: 14

Specifies the Y data column for the bubble series and scatter series