Enumerates the available property types on a data source schema.

Enumeration Members

BooleanValue: 2

The property is of type boolean.

ByteValue: 10

The property is of type byte.

DateTimeOffsetValue: 9

The property is of type datetimeoffset.

DateTimeValue: 8

The property is of type datetime.

DecimalValue: 6

The property is of type decimal.

DoubleValue: 5

The property is of type double.

IntValue: 1

The property is of type integer.

LongValue: 3

The property is of type long.

ObjectValue: 11

The property is of type object.

ShortValue: 4

The property if of type short.

SingleValue: 7

The property is of type single.

StringValue: 0

The property is of type string.