Activates and selects the next visible [[Worksheet]] after the [[Spreadsheet.activeWorksheet]]
Activates and selects the previous visible [[Worksheet]] before the [[Spreadsheet.activeWorksheet]]
Activates the visible worksheet that is the last partially visible worksheet tab in view or next visible worksheet if the last visible item is fully in view.
Activates the next [[SpreadsheetPane]] if there are multiple panes and they are not frozen.
Activates the next visible [[Worksheet]] after the [[Spreadsheet.activeWorksheet]]
Activates the visible worksheet that is before the first worksheet tab in view.
Activates the previous [[SpreadsheetPane]] if there are multiple panes and they are not frozen.
Activates the previous visible [[Worksheet]] before the [[Spreadsheet.activeWorksheet]]
Adds a new [[Worksheet]] after the current active worksheet and activates it.
Adds one column to the end of the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] Note, the selection must be completely within the table and only 1 worksheet may be selected.
Adds one row at the end of the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]]. Note, the selection must be completely within the table and not intersect with the header row and only 1 worksheet may be selected.
Changes the horizontal alignment of the cell formats for the current selection switching between Center and General.
Changes the horizontal alignment of the cell formats for the current selection switching between Justify and General.
Changes the horizontal alignment of the cell formats for the current selection switching between Left and General.
Changes the horizontal alignment of the cell formats for the current selection switching between Right and General.
Changes the vertical alignment of the cell formats for the current selection to Bottom.
Changes the vertical alignment of the cell formats for the current selection to Middle.
Changes the vertical alignment of the cell formats for the current selection to Top.
Updates the [[WorksheetColumn.width]] based on the size of the content in the columns associated with the [[Spreadsheet.activeSelection]] so that it will be resized based on the size of the contents.
Updates the [[WorksheetRow.height]] to be -1 for rows associated with the [[Spreadsheet.activeSelection]] so that it will be resized based on the size of the contents.
Exits the renaming of a worksheet without committing the changes to the name
Navigates to the cell above the active cell.
Navigates to the cell below the active cell.
Activates the first cell in the next cell range of the [[SpreadsheetSelection]]
Activates the first cell in the previous cell range of the [[SpreadsheetSelection]]
Navigates to the cell above within the selection if multiple cells are selected otherwise navigates to the cell above.
Navigates to the cell below within the selection if multiple cells are selected otherwise navigates to the cell below.
Navigates to the previous cell within the selection if multiple cells are selected otherwise navigates to the cell to the left.
Navigates to the next cell within the selection if multiple cells are selected otherwise navigates to the cell to the right.
Navigates to the previous cell within the [[Spreadsheet.activeCell]] unless the active cell is within the total row.
Navigates to the next cell within the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] unless the active cell is within the totql row.
Navigates to the cell to the left of the active cell.
Scrolls up one page and activates a cell in the same column and relative visible row.
Scrolls down one page and activates a cell in the same column and relative visible row.
Scrolls left one page and activates a cell in the same row and relative visible column.
Scrolls right one page and activates a cell in the same row and relative visible column.
Navigates to the cell to the right of the active cell.
Navigates to the cell above the active cell that has data or the first cell in the column if there are none with data.
Navigates to the cell below the active cell that has data or the last cell in the column if there are none with data.
Navigates to the cell to the left of the active cell that has data or the first cell in the row if there are none with data.
Navigates to the cell to the right of the active cell that has data or the last cell in the row if there are none with data.
Checks the validity of all the cells in the current [[Spreadsheet.activeWorksheet]] based on their associated DataValidationRule if it has one.
Clears all the filter and sort settings for the [[SpreadsheetSelection.activeCell]] of the [[Spreadsheet.activeSelection]]. If the active cell is within the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] then the filter and sort information of the table is cleared. If the cell is not within a table the [[Worksheet.filterSettings]] sort and filtering are cleared even if the cell is not within its region. The command is not available when there are multiple worksheets selected or if the active cell is in an area that does not have any sorting or filtering.
Clears the value of the selected cells.
Clears the filter for the column associated with the [[SpreadsheetSelection.activeCell]] of the [[Spreadsheet.activeSelection]]. The command is not available when there are multiple worksheets selected or if the active cell is within a column that does not have any filtering. This command may also be executed with a string containing the A1 format cell address of the target cell for the operation.
Resets the cell format for the cells associated with the selection including the row and column cell format for rows and columns that are entirely selected.
Removes hyperlinks from the selected cells without removing the formatting.
Clears any invalidation circles that are cached for the current [[Spreadsheet.activeWorksheet]]
Attempts to exit the renaming of a worksheet and committing the changes to the name.
Removes the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] and converts it to a normal range of cells.
Copies the information from the selection to the clipboard.
Copies the information from the selection to the clipboard and clears the contents.
Decreases the size of the font for the cell format of the current selection based on the current state of the active cell.
Decreases the Indent of the cell format of the current selection based on the current state of each cell and potentially changing other properties such as horizontal alignment to one that supports indentation.
Deletes the cells associated with the current selection and shifts the cells based on where data is in adjacent cells.
Deletes the cells associated with the current selection and shifts the cells that exist on the right of the selection to the left.
Deletes the cells associated with the current selection and shifts the cells that exist below of the selection upward.
Removes columns associated with the current selection.
Removes rows associated with the current selection.
Deletes one or more columns in the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] based on the current selection. Note, the selection must be completely within the table and only 1 worksheet may be selected.
Deletes one or more rows in the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] based on the current selection. Note, the selection must be completely within the table and not intersect with the header row and only 1 worksheet may be selected.
Removes the selected worksheets from the associated Workbook.
Navigates to the farthest contiguous cell with data above the active cell. If the active cell has no data or the cell above does not have data, it will navigate to the start of the next cell that has data in that direction or the first cell in the column if there are no more cells with data.
Navigates to the farthest contiguous cell with data below the active cell. If the active cell has no data or the cell below does not have data, it will navigate to the start of the next cell that has data in that direction or the last cell in the column if there are no more cells with data.
Navigates to the farthest contiguous cell with data to the left of the active cell. If the active cell has no data or the cell to the left does not have data, it will navigate to the start of the next cell that has data in that direction or the first cell in the row if there are no more cells with data.
Navigates to the farthest contiguous cell with data to the right of the active cell. If the active cell has no data or the cell to the right does not have data, it will navigate to the start of the next cell that has data in that direction or the last cell in the row if there are no more cells with data.
Starts in place editing of the [[Spreadsheet.activeCell]] starting with the current value
Starts in place editing of the [[Spreadsheet.activeCell]] starting with an empty value
Changes the [[Spreadsheet.isInEndMode]] to true
The cell adjacent to the active cell in the direction indicated by the [[Spreadsheet.enterKeyNavigationDirection]] should be activated.
Ends edit mode of the [[Spreadsheet.activeCell]] and updates all the cells within the selection with an array formula from current edit value.
Ends edit mode of the [[Spreadsheet.activeCell]] and discards any changes made while editing.
Ends edit mode of the [[Spreadsheet.activeCell]] and updates the active cell's value based on the current edit value.
Ends edit mode of the [[Spreadsheet.activeCell]] and updates all the cells within the selection with the cell's value based on the current edit value.
Changes the [[Spreadsheet.isInEndMode]] to false
Similar to FilterByCellValue except the filter is based on the resolved background color of the active cell.
Similar to FilterByCellValue except the filter is based on the resolved text/font color of the active cell.
Similar to FilterByCellValue except the filter is based on the resolved icon of the active cell.
Filters the data region based on the current value of the [[SpreadsheetSelection.activeCell]] of the [[Spreadsheet.activeSelection]]. If the active cell is within the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] then the filter for the column associated with the active cell is set to the new filter. If the cell is within the [[WorksheetFilterSettings.region]] of the [[Worksheet.filterSettings]] then the filter for the column of that region associated with the active cell is set to the new filter. Otherwise a new region is created for the [[Worksheet.filterSettings]] based on the selection and the filter is created for that column.
Navigates to the first cell in the row
Navigates to the upper left cell in view.
Changes the [[Spreadsheet.activeCell]] to be the upper left most cell in view within the active selection range.
Navigates to the first cell in the Worksheet.
Navigates to the cell of the first scrollable column in the row. This is the same as FirstCellInRow unless there are frozen panes and then the first scrollable column is based on the number of frozen column.
Navigates to the cell for the first scrollable row and column in the Worksheet. This is the same as FirstCellInView unless there are frozen panes and then the first scrollable row and column are based on the number of frozen rows and columns.
Navigates to the leftmost unlocked cell of the topmost row.
Changes the DisplayOptions of the active worksheet so that the first currently visible column will be frozen at the left and the right area can scroll from the next column until the last column.
Changes the DisplayOptions of the active worksheet so that the first currently visible row will be frozen at the top and the bottom area can scroll from the next row until the last row.
Sets the [[RowColumnBase.hidden]] to true for the columns associated with the [[Spreadsheet.activeSelection]].
Sets the [[RowColumnBase.hidden]] to true for the rows associated with the [[Spreadsheet.activeSelection]].
Increases the size of the font for the cell format of the current selection based on the current state of the active cell.
Increases the Indent of the cell format of the current selection based on the current state of each cell and potentially changing other properties such as horizontal alignment to one that supports indentation.
Inserts cells based on the current selection and shifts the cells based on where data is in adjacent cells.
Inserts cells before the cells associated with the current selection shifting the existing cells down.
Inserts cells before the cells associated with the current selection shifting the existing cells to the right.
Inserts columns before the columns associated with the current selection. If multiple columns are selected then multiple columns will be inserted.
Inserts a new [[Worksheet]] for each selected Worksheet before the active worksheet and activates the first new sheet.
Inserts rows before the rows associated with the current selection. If multiple rows are selected then multiple rows will be inserted.
Inserts one or more columns in the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] based on the current selection width relative to the left edge of the selection. Note, the selection must be completely within the table and only 1 worksheet may be selected.
Inserts one or more rows in the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] based on the current selection height relative to the top edge of the selection. Note, the selection must be completely within the table and not intersect with the header row and only 1 worksheet may be selected.
Navigates to the lower right cell in view.
Changes the [[Spreadsheet.activeCell]] to be the lower right most cell in view within the active selection range.
Navigates to the rightmost unlocked cell of the bottommost row.
Navigates to the last row and column for which data or formatting have been provided.
Navigates the column of the end of the used range but stays within the current row of the active cell.
Merges the selected cells into one cell.
Merge the selected cells in one row into one cell.
Combine and center the contents of the selected cells into a new larger cell.
Executes the hyperlink associated with the selection when a single cell is selected.
Updates the selection based on the information in the clipboard.
Displays a list of the string values of the adjacent cells above and below the [[Spreadsheet.activeCell]]
Reapplies the filter and sort settings for the [[SpreadsheetSelection.activeCell]] of the [[Spreadsheet.activeSelection]]. If the active cell is within the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] then the filter and sort information of the table is reapplied. If the cell is not within a table the [[Worksheet.filterSettings]] sort and filtering are repplied even if the cell is not within its region. The command is not available when there are multiple worksheets selected or if the active cell is within a table that does not have any sorting or filtering.
Used to re-execute the last change operation that was undo, if possible.
Removes the vertical split and sets the LeftPaneWidth of the UnfrozenPaneSettings to 0.
Removes hyperlinks associated with the selected cells.
Removes the horizontal split and sets the TopPaneHeight of the UnfrozenPaneSettings to 0.
Removes both the horizontal and vertical splits so that there is only a single scrolling region remaining.
Enters edit mode on the tab associated with the active worksheet.
Resets the NameBoxWidth to its default value.
Scrolls the active pane's row scroll region down by 1 row.
Scrolls the active pane's column scroll region left by 1 column.
Increments the [[WorkbookWindowOptions.firstVisibleTabIndex]] to the next visible worksheet
Scrolls the active pane's row scroll region up by the size of the viewable area.
Scrolls the active pane's row scroll region down by the size of the viewable area.
Scrolls the active pane's column scroll region left by the size of the viewable area.
Scrolls the active pane's column scroll region right by the size of the viewable area.
Decrements the [[WorkbookWindowOptions.firstVisibleTabIndex]] to the previous visible worksheet
Scrolls the active pane's column scroll region right by 1 column.
Scrolls the tab area such that the first visible worksheet tab is in view
Scrolls the tab area such that the last visible worksheet tab is in view
Scrolls the active pane's row scroll region up by 1 row.
Changes the selection such that it only contains the ActiveCell.
Replaces the selection range containing the active cell with a selection range that encompasses the entire worksheet.
Selects all the visible worksheet tabs within the [[Spreadsheet.workbook]]
Selects from the active cell to the cell above the active cell.
Selects from the active cell to the cell below the active cell.
Selects from the active cell to the cell to the left of the active cell.
Scrolls up one page and selects from the active cell to a cell in the same column and relative visible row.
Scrolls down one page and selects from the active cell to a cell in the same column and relative visible row.
Scrolls left one page and selects from the active cell to a cell in the same row and relative visible column.
Scrolls right one page and selects from the active cell to a cell in the same row and relative visible column.
Selects from the active cell to the cell to the right of the active cell.
Selects from the active cell to the cell above the active cell that has data or the first cell in the column if there are none with data.
Selects from the active cell to the cell below the active cell that has data or the last cell in the column if there are none with data.
Selects from the active cell to the cell to the left of the active cell that has data or the first cell in the row if there are none with data.
Selects from the active cell to the cell to the right of the active cell that has data or the last cell in the row if there are none with data.
Replaces the selection range containing the active cell with a selection range that encompasses the columns for that range.
Selects the region associated with an array formula that is applied to the active cell.
Selects the cells adjacent to the active cell that have data or selects the entire worksheet if the current region is already selected or the current cell range selection isn't contained within the calculated current region.
Selects from the active cell to the farthest contiguous cell with data above the active cell. If the active cell has no data or the cell above does not have data, it will navigate to the start of the next cell that has data in that direction or the first cell in the column if there are no more cells with data.
Selects from the active cell to the farthest contiguous cell with data below the active cell. If the active cell has no data or the cell below does not have data, it will navigate to the start of the next cell that has data in that direction or the last cell in the column if there are no more cells with data.
Selects from the active cell to the farthest contiguous cell with data to the left of the active cell. If the active cell has no data or the cell to the left does not have data, it will navigate to the start of the next cell that has data in that direction or the first cell in the row if there are no more cells with data.
Selects from the active cell to the farthest contiguous cell with data to the right of the active cell. If the active cell has no data or the cell to the right does not have data, it will navigate to the start of the next cell that has data in that direction or the last cell in the row if there are no more cells with data.
Selects the cells of the entire columns in the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] based on the portion of the active range of the current selection that intersects with the table.
Selects from the active cell to the first cell in the row
Selects from the active cell to the upper left cell in view.
Selects from the active cell to the first cell in the Worksheet.
Selects from the active cell to the cell of the first scrollable column in the row. This is the same as FirstCellInRow unless there are frozen panes and then the first scrollable column is based on the number of frozen column.
Selects from the active cell to the cell for the first scrollable row and column in the Worksheet. This is the same as FirstCellInView unless there are frozen panes and then the first scrollable row and column are based on the number of frozen rows and columns.
Selects from the active cell to the lower right cell in view.
Selects from the active cell to the last row and column for which data or formatting have been provided.
Selects from the active cell the column of the end of the used range but stays within the current row of the active cell.
Replaces the selection range containing the active cell with a selection range that encompasses the rows for that range.
Selects the data area of the columns in the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] based on the portion of the active range of the current selection that intersects with the table. If the intersection includes the header or footer rows then the operation is the same as SelectEntireTableColumn
Selects the cells of the entire rows in the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] based on the portion of the active range of the current selection that intersects with the table.
Chnages the selection such that it only does not contain any hidden rows or columns.
The cell adjacent to the active cell in the reverse of the direction indicated by the [[Spreadsheet.enterKeyNavigationDirection]] should be activated.
Displays the dropdown associated with the [[Spreadsheet.activeCell]] which may be things such as the filter menu dropdown, the list of values from the cell's list type data validation, a list of formulas for a cell in the total row of a table, etc.
Displays the custom sort dialog for the worksheet sort region
Displays the format cells dialog for the current selection.
Adjusts the width of the left row scroll region such that it is aligned to the edge of a column.
Adjusts the height of the top row scroll region such that it is aligned to the edge of a row.
Adjusts the height of the top and left scrolling regions such that they are aligned to the edge or a row and column respectively.
This causes an ascending sort for the current selection. The exact changes will depend on whether the current selection is within the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]]. If the selection is within a table then the column associated with the [[SpreadsheetSelection.activeCell]] is sorted ascending. If the selection is not within a table then the data range associated with the selection is sorted ascending via the [[Worksheet.sortSettings]]. The command is not available if the selection intesects table and non-table cells and cannot be performed if there are multiple selection ranges. This command may also be executed with a string containing the A1 format cell address of the target cell for the operation.
Sorts the data region based on the current background color of the [[SpreadsheetSelection.activeCell]] of the [[Spreadsheet.activeSelection]]. If the active cell is within the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]] then the sort for the column associated with the active cell is set to the new sort condition. If the cell is within the [[WorksheetFilterSettings.region]] of the [[Worksheet.filterSettings]] then the sort for the column of that region associated with the active cell is set to the new sort condition. Otherwise the [[Worksheet.sortSettings]] is updated based on the selection and the sort condition is created for that column. This command may also be executed with a string containing the A1 format cell address of the target cell for the operation.
Similar to SortByCellColor except the sort condition is based on the resolved text/font color of the active cell.
Similar to SortByCellColor except the sort condition is based on the resolved icon of the active cell.
This causes a descending sort for the current selection. The exact changes will depend on whether the current selection is within the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]]. If the selection is within a table then the column associated with the [[SpreadsheetSelection.activeCell]] is sorted descending. If the selection is not within a table then the data range associated with the selection is sorted descending via the [[Worksheet.sortSettings]]. The command is not available if the selection intesects table and non-table cells and cannot be performed if there are multiple selection ranges. This command may also be executed with a string containing the A1 format cell address of the target cell for the operation.
Changes the [[Spreadsheet.selectionMode]] to AddToSelection.
Changes the [[Spreadsheet.selectionMode]] to ExtendSelection.
Changes the [[Spreadsheet.selectionMode]] to Normal.
Changes the bold state of the cell format of the current selection based on the bold state of the active cell.
Used while in edit mode to change the [[Spreadsheet.cellEditMode]] and switch between the modes that control how the arrow keys are handled.
Changes the underline state of the cell format of the current selection based on the underline state of the active cell.
This command turns on or off filtering for the current selection. The exact changes will depend on whether the current selection is within the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]]. If within a table and the [[WorksheetTable.isFilterUIVisible]] is false, this will ensure the [[WorksheetTable.isHeaderRowVisible]] and [[WorksheetTable.isFilterUIVisible]] are true; otherwise it will invoke [[WorksheetTable.clearFilters]] and set the [[WorksheetTable.isFilterUIVisible]] is false. Outside of a table, the property affects the [[Worksheet.filterSettings]]. If there is a filtered region then the command invokes the [[WorksheetFilterSettings.clearFilters]] and then clears/removes the region; otherwise it set the worksheet filter region to a region relative to the selection. The command is not available if the selection intesects table and non-table cells and cannot be performed if there are mulitple selection ranges.
Changes the DisplayOptions of the active worksheet to add or remove frozen areas. If the worksheet currently has frozen areas then they will be removed. If the worksheet currently has unfrozen splits then they will be converted to frozen splits. Otherwise it will create frozen areas based on the current active cell.
Changes the italic state of the cell format of the current selection based on the italic state of the active cell.
Changes the [[DisplayOptions.showFormulasInCells]] of the selected worksheets.
Changes the DisplayOptions of the active worksheet to add or remove resizable split areas that are separately scrollable. If the worksheet currently has split areas then the splits will be removed. If the worksheet has frozen areas they will be converted to splits. Otherwise it will create split areas based on the current active cell.
Changes the strikethrough state of the cell format of the current selection based on the strikethrough state of the active cell.
Changes the subscript state of the cell format of the current selection based on the subscript state of the active cell.
Changes the superscript state of the cell format of the current selection based on the superscript state of the active cell.
Changes the visibility of the total row in the [[Spreadsheet.activeTable]].
Changes the underline state of the cell format of the current selection based on the underline state of the active cell.
Changes the wrap state of the cell format of the current selection based on the wrap state of the active cell.
Used to reverse the last change operation.
Sets the [[RowColumnBase.hidden]] to false for the columns associated with the [[Spreadsheet.activeSelection]].
Sets the [[RowColumnBase.hidden]] to false for the rows associated with the [[Spreadsheet.activeSelection]].
Split the current cell in multiple cells
Clears the selected worksheet tabs such that only the active tab is selected.
Changes the magnification of the currently selected [[Worksheet]] of the [[Spreadsheet]] to a higher value in increments of 10%
Changes the magnification of the currently selected [[Worksheet]] of the [[Spreadsheet]] to a lower value in increments of 10%
Changes the magnification of the currently selected [[Worksheet]] of the [[Spreadsheet]] to 100%
Changes the magnification of the currently selected [[Worksheet]] to display the currently selected cells.
Enumeration used to identify an action to be taken by the [[Spreadsheet]]