Determines whether the end user is allowed to close the pane. Defaults to true.
Determines whether the end user is allowed to dock the pane. Defaults to true.
Determines whether the end user is allowed to make the pane floating. Defaults to true.
Determines whether the end user is allowed to maximize the pane.
Determines whether the end user is allowed to pin/unpin the pane. Defaults to true.
The slot attribute's value of the content element.
Determines whether a pane is disabled. Defaults to false.
Marks that a content pane can be docked only inside a document host.
The slot attribute's value of the floating header element. If not set, the headerId
property value is used.
The text header of the content pane. Even if header slot templates are used, the text header is used for aria label.
The slot attribute's value of the content pane header element. If not set, the header
property value is used.
Determines whether a pane is hidden in the UI. Defaults to false.
The id of the pane. If not set the Dock Manager generates it automatically.
Determines whether a content pane is maximized or not. Defaults to false.
Determines whether a content pane is pinned or not. Defaults to true.
The size of the pane relative to its sibling panes' sizes. Defaults to 100.
The slot attribute's value of the tab header element. If not set, the header
property value is used.
The type of the pane.
The slot attribute's value of the unpinned header element. If not set, the header
property value is used.
The desired unpinned location of the content pane.
If not set the Dock Manager automatically calculates it based on the location of the pane relatively to the document host. If more than one document host is presented, the closest one in the pane hierarchy will be used for the calculation. If there is no document host, the default location is left.
The absolute size of the pane in an unpinned state. Defaults to 200.
Determines whether the end user can inner dock another pane in this one. Defaults to true.