Interface IgcSplitPane


  • IgcSplitPane



allowEmpty?: boolean

Determines whether the pane should present in the UI when empty.

floatingHeight?: number

The absolute height of the pane. Applies only for floating panes. Defaults to 100.

floatingLocation?: IgcDockManagerPoint

The absolute location point of the pane. Applies only for floating panes.

floatingResizable?: boolean

Determines whether floating pane resizing is allowed. Applies only for floating panes.

floatingWidth?: number

The absolute width of the pane. Applies only for floating panes. Defaults to 100.

id?: string

The id of the pane. If not set the Dock Manager generates it automatically.

isMaximized?: boolean

Determines whether a split pane is maximized or not. Defaults to false.


in 1.14.4. Use the isMaximized property of TabGroupPane and/or ContentPane instead. Having isMaximized set to true on a split pane level has no real effect as split panes serve as containers only, meaning they have no actual content to be shown maximized.

The orientation of the split pane.

The child panes of the split pane.

size?: number

The size of the pane relative to its sibling panes' sizes. Defaults to 100.

type: splitPane

The type of the pane.