Skeleton Hierarchical Grid

    Use the Skeleton Hierarchical Grid to layout the same type of information that you would in the standard one, but to also indicate an application state when no data is present at the moment e.g. when data is loaded from a remote data source and there is either lack of connectivity, or it takes some time. The Skeleton Hierarchical Grid is just a visual representation of a Hierarchical Grid with a known layout, but without any data to show.

    Skeleton Hierarchical Grid Demo

    Cell Types

    The Skeleton Hierarchical Grid extends the three types of skeleton cells Header, Body, and Summary with two additional ones as the standard Hierarchical Grid: CollapseAll and Expand.

    Cell Display Density

    The Skeleton CollapseAll and Expand cells support the same three display density variants as the standard Hierarchical Grid: Comfortable, Cosy, and Compact.

    Grid Types

    The Skeleton Hierarchical Grid supports the three display densities and offers variants for each of them with regard to the state of loading data: Initial which is shown when the Hierarchical Grid is loading data and there is no expanded row with a nested grid, and Expand which is shown when only the nested grid is loading data.


    When creating hierarchical grids, avoid combining standard and skeleton cells within the same hierarchy level. Data is either present for all cells and grids on a given level, or for none of them. Combining standard and skeleton cells is appropriate only in a very limited set of use cases such as the presets explained above.

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