Skeleton List

    Use the Skeleton List Component to layout the same type of information that you would in the standard one, but to also indicate an application state when no data is present at the moment e.g. when data is loaded from a remote datasource and there is either lack of connectivity, or it takes some time. The Skeleton List is just a visual representation of a List with known layout, but without any data to show.

    Skeleton List Demo


    The Skeleton List supports the same two types like the standard List: One-line Item List and Two-line Item List.

    List Item Type

    The Skeleton List Item comes in the same three preset types like the standard List: Header, One-line, and Two-line.

    List Item Areas

    The Skeleton List Item has two distinct areas like the standard List: Primary Action and Secondary Action.

    Primary Action in Figma and Sketch

    There are 5 interchangeable Skeleton List Item Primary Actions available in Figma and 4 available as Symbol Overrides in Sketch. The Skeleton List Item Primary Actions are like the standard List Item. Thanks to the Smart Layout in Sketch, List Items can be adjusted further by setting unnecessary elements to ~No Symbol.

    Avatar + Label + Description
    Checkbox + Label Checkbox in a Primary Action can not have a label, therefore, the before and after labels are set to ~No Symbol and this setting should not be changed
    Icon + Label + Desc
    Label + Progress Linear Progress Bar in a Primary Action can not have a value label, therefore, it is set to ~No Symbol and this setting should not be changed

    Secondary Action in Figma and Sketch

    The Secondary Action of the Skeleton List Item covers all scenarios possible with its counterpart from the standard List Item. In Figma all the actions will be added soon. In Sketch, they are available as Symbol Overrides and thanks to the Smart Layout, they can be adjusted further by setting unnecessary elements to ~No Symbol.

    Text and Icon

    Thumbnail in Adobe XD

    The Thumbnail component in the left Skeleton List Item area in Adobe XD provides 3 interchangeable options like the standard List Item via the Component States paradigm to let you easily switch them.

    Actions in Adobe XD

    The Actions component that constitutes the right Skeleton List Item area in Adobe XD covers all scenarios possible with its counterpart from the standard List Item.


    When creating a list layout, avoid combining standard and skeleton list items. Data is either present for all list items, or for none of them, thus the two types should not be used within the same layout.

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