Advanced Charts - Building Custom Visualization Experiences

Jason Beres
Speaker: Jason Beres Sr. VP of Developer Tools
Brian Lagunas
Speaker: Brian Lagunas Senior Senior Product Owner

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With the recent release of Infragistics Ultimate 23.1, our team focused on delivery next generation charting and data analysis with Ignite UI. A key part of this release was the introduction of the Chart Toolbar allows you add your own custom buttons, with custom actions and icons, and full control over where toolbar items live. In our next webinar, we will highlight the capabilities at your disposal with this brand-new tool.

Join us and see:

  • Full-featured data analytics capability without needing to write any additional code
  • Custom Toolbar actions such as button types, icons and commands
  • Access the chart's data in real-time, allowing on-the-fly analysis for the most common data needs

At the end of this webinar, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to deliver better user experiences with Reveal and App Builder, plus you will see all the new features and capabilities in the latest App Builder release!