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  • Building a CRUD-enabled Angular Application with Ignite UI For Angular and CDATA API Server

    We at Infragistics always strived to deliver to you best of breed UI components to help you build modern UI and meet best UX practices. In addition to that, we provide some tooling to support you all the way from design to implementation and speed up…

  • Doing CRUD Operations with Infragistics UltraGrid and Entity Framework

    The Infragistics Windows Form controls are some of the best, most extensible third party controls that I have ever used for UI development.  The set of controls is quite comprehensive and the API is exhaustive.  You can do anything with these controls,…

  • Developing a RESTful CRUD grid with IgniteUI, WebAPI and Entity Framework

    In a previous blog post of mine I have presented an application which tackles a create/read/update/delete scenario in the context of the IgniteUI grid. I have used frameworks such as MongoDB, Node.JS and Mongoose.

    In this blog post, I would like to present…

  • AutoCrud not functioning correctly.

    I have a webdatagrid that I am binding a datasource to..

    I have crud enabled...

    When I change text in a cell then leave the cell/row. and click on a update button on the page, I look at the dataset and the rows are getting updated with new values.

  • WebDataGrid Manual CRUD


    WebDataGrid (WDG) has the capability to update the DataSource automatically if AutoCRUD property of EditingCore is set to true. What is “Manual CRUD”? This is a technique used by developers to persist all changes made in the grid UI to the DataSource…

  • Using the xamGrid with Virtual Collections and MVVM

    Have you ever wanted to build an application that uses the Infragistics Silverlight xamGrid which supports sorting, filtering, CRUD operations and data virtualization all constructed with the Model View View-Model (MVVM) pattern? This post details some…

  • Updating grid dynamically in code-behind

    I am switching from old component one grids to infragistics 3.5 v10.3 and need some guidance. I have to dynamically databind the grid from a sql dataset in the codebehind (i can't use a sqldataadapter). I also have to manually do the updating to the database…

  • MVVM CRUD Application with Virtualization, Filtering and Sorting

    Ever wanted to write a Silverlight MVVM application, which supports CRUD operations and data virtualization on the client? The Infragistics Silverlight xamGrid is able to support filtering and sorting and it is very easy to create virtualized data source…

  • Using ADO.NET to Perform CRUD Operations with the WebDataGrid

    Many of the examples that demonstrate how to perform CRUD operations against the WebDataGrid either use the ObjectDataSource mapped to POCOs or implement persistence operations by interfacing with a POCO repository directly.

    Using ADO.NET Directly

  • What is the difference between WebDataGrid AutoCRUD and manual CRUD?

    One of the more frequently asked a questions regarding the WebDataGrid surrounds the modes in which the grid executes CRUD operations. The grid features a property called AutoCRUD which configures the grid to work closely with an ASP.NET data source control…

  • WebDataGrid Validation

    Quick Summary:

    • Associate validators and editor providers to WebDataGrid cells using Cell Editing’s Column Settings
    • Customize the look and feel of validation messages by applying a CSS class to the validator
    • Wire up custom validators by finding…
  • WinGrid LINQ To XML CRUD Sample

    Hi everyone,

    I wrote this sample last year so that I can learn a little about LINQ to XML. This sample basically loads data from an XML file into a list of objects that gets bound to WinGrid. I used several techniques to handle the create, read, update…