Trade Show-Conference: FinJS London

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Event Description

Infragistics is thrilled to be a part of FinJS London, an event that promises to showcase innovations driven by web technologies.

Infragistics' Senior VP of Developer Tools, Jason Beres, will be presenting a talk titled High Performance UX from Desktop to Web and Mobile. The push to modern experiences includes JavaScript and container based approaches like OpenFin, while legacy rich-client platforms still exist and mostly still dominate, and mobility is top of mind. As Gartner defines a modern IT organization needing a bi-modal strategy, you need to the same approach in your enterprise trading platforms. In this presentation, attendees will learn about bi-modal IT and how can tools & technology from OpenFin & Infragistics can help deliver a modern, bi-modal desktop-web solution while maintaining the existing rich client investment and look to mobile for the future, all with a consistent, high-performance UX.

Visit FinJS online to register or learn more about the event - we hope to see you there!