Class IgxCarouselComponent

Ignite UI for Angular Carousel - Documentation

The Ignite UI Carousel is used to browse or navigate through a collection of slides. Slides can contain custom content such as images or cards and be used for things such as on-boarding tutorials or page-based interfaces. It can be used as a separate fullscreen element or inside another component.


<h3>First Slide Header</h3>
<p>First slide Content</p>
<h3>Second Slide Header</h3>
<p>Second Slide Content</p>



  • IgxCarouselComponentBase
    • IgxCarouselComponent


  • OnDestroy
  • AfterContentInit



animationType: HorizontalAnimationType = HorizontalAnimationType.slide

Gets/sets the animation type of carousel. Default value is slide.

<igx-carousel animationType='none'>


carouselPaused: EventEmitter<IgxCarouselComponent> = ...

An event that is emitted after the carousel has been paused. Provides a reference to the IgxCarouselComponent as an event argument.

<igx-carousel (carouselPaused)="carouselPaused($event)"></igx-carousel>


carouselPlaying: EventEmitter<IgxCarouselComponent> = ...

An event that is emitted after the carousel has resumed transitioning between slides. Provides a reference to the IgxCarouselComponent as an event argument.

<igx-carousel (carouselPlaying)="carouselPlaying($event)"></igx-carousel>


cssClass: string = 'igx-carousel'

Returns the class of the carousel component.

let class =  this.carousel.cssClass;


gesturesSupport: boolean = true

Controls whether the carousel should support gestures. Default value is true.

<igx-carousel [gesturesSupport]="false"></igx-carousel>


id: string = ...

Sets the id of the carousel. If not set, the id of the first carousel component will be "igx-carousel-0".

<igx-carousel id="my-first-carousel"></igx-carousel>


indicatorTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = null

The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering carousel indicators

// Set in typescript
const myCustomTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = myComponent.customTemplate;
myComponent.carousel.indicatorTemplate = myCustomTemplate;
<!-- Set in markup -->
<igx-carousel #carousel>
<ng-template igxCarouselIndicator let-slide>
<igx-icon *ngIf="">brightness_7</igx-icon>
<igx-icon *ngIf="!">brightness_5</igx-icon>
indicatorsOrientation: CarouselIndicatorsOrientation = CarouselIndicatorsOrientation.bottom

Gets/sets the display mode of carousel indicators. It can be top or bottom. Default value is bottom.

<igx-carousel indicatorsOrientation='top'>


keyboardSupport: boolean = true

Controls whether the carousel should support keyboard navigation. Default value is true.

<igx-carousel [keyboardSupport]="false"></igx-carousel>


loop: boolean = true

Sets whether the carousel should loop back to the first slide after reaching the last slide. Default value is true.

<igx-carousel [loop]="false"></igx-carousel>


maximumIndicatorsCount: number = 5

Controls the maximum indexes that can be shown. Default value is 5.

<igx-carousel [maximumIndicatorsCount]="10"></igx-carousel>


navigation: boolean = true

Controls whether the carousel should render the left/right navigation buttons. Default value is true.

<igx-carousel [navigation]="false"></igx-carousel>


nextButtonTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = null

The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering carousel next button

// Set in typescript
const myCustomTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = myComponent.customTemplate;
myComponent.carousel.nextButtonTemplate = myCustomTemplate;
<!-- Set in markup -->
<igx-carousel #carousel>
<ng-template igxCarouselNextButton let-disabled>
<button type="button" igxButton="fab" igxRipple="white" [disabled]="disabled">
<igx-icon name="add"></igx-icon>
pause: boolean = true

Sets whether the carousel will pause the slide transitions on user interactions. Default value is true.

 <igx-carousel [pause]="false"></igx-carousel>


prevButtonTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = null

The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering carousel previous button

// Set in typescript
const myCustomTemplate: TemplateRef<any> = myComponent.customTemplate;
myComponent.carousel.prevButtonTemplate = myCustomTemplate;
<!-- Set in markup -->
<igx-carousel #carousel>
<ng-template igxCarouselPrevButton let-disabled>
<button type="button" igxButton="fab" igxRipple="white" [disabled]="disabled">
<igx-icon name="remove"></igx-icon>
role: string = 'region'

Returns the role attribute of the carousel.

let carouselRole =  this.carousel.role;


slideAdded: EventEmitter<ISlideEventArgs> = ...

An event that is emitted after a slide has been added to the carousel. Provides references to the IgxCarouselComponent and IgxSlideComponent as event arguments.

<igx-carousel (slideAdded)="slideAdded($event)"></igx-carousel>


slideChanged: EventEmitter<ISlideEventArgs> = ...

An event that is emitted after a slide transition has happened. Provides references to the IgxCarouselComponent and IgxSlideComponent as event arguments.

<igx-carousel (slideChanged)="slideChanged($event)"></igx-carousel>


slideRemoved: EventEmitter<ISlideEventArgs> = ...

An event that is emitted after a slide has been removed from the carousel. Provides references to the IgxCarouselComponent and IgxSlideComponent as event arguments.

<igx-carousel (slideRemoved)="slideRemoved($event)"></igx-carousel>


slides: QueryList<IgxSlideComponent>

The collection of slides currently in the carousel.

let slides: QueryList<IgxSlideComponent> = this.carousel.slides;


