Blazor Grid Sorting

    The Ignite UI for Blazor Data Sorting feature in Blazor Grid is enabled on a per-column level, meaning that the IgbGrid can have a mix of sortable and non-sortable columns. Performing Blazor sort actions enables you to change the display order of the records based on specified criteria.

    Blazor Grid Sorting Overview Example

    This is done via the Sortable input. With the IgbGrid sorting, you can also set the SortingIgnoreCase property to perform case sensitive sorting:

    <IgbColumn Field="Title" Sortable="true"></IgbColumn>

    Sorting Indicators

    Having a certain amount of sorted columns could be really confusing if there is no indication of the sorted order.

    The IgbGrid provides a solution for this problem by indicating the index of each sorted column.

    Sorting through the API

    You can sort any column or a combination of columns through the IgbGrid API using the IgbGrid Sort method:

    @code {
        this.grid.SortAsync(new IgbSortingExpression[]
                new IgbSortingExpression
                    FieldName = "CompanyName",
                    Dir = SortingDirection.Asc
                new IgbSortingExpression
                    FieldName = "Country",
                    Dir = SortingDirection.Asc

    [!Note] Sorting is performed using our DefaultSortingStrategy algorithm. Any IgbColumn or ISortingExpression can use a custom implementation of the ISortingStrategy as a substitute algorithm. This is useful when custom sorting needs to be defined for complex template columns, or image columns, for example.

    As with the filtering behavior, you can clear the sorting state by using the ClearSort method:

    @code {
        @*Removes the sorting state from the Title column*@
        @*Removes the sorting state from every column in the Grid*@

    [!Note] The SortStrategy of the IgbGrid is of different type compared to the SortStrategy of the IgbColumn, since they work in different scopes and expose different parameters.

    [!Note] The sorting operation DOES NOT change the underlying data source of the IgbGrid.

    Initial Sorting State

    It is possible to set the initial sorting state of the IgbGrid by passing an array of sorting expressions to the SortingExpressions property of the IgbGrid.

    @code {
        protected override void OnAfterRender(bool first)
            if (first)
                this.grid.SortingExpressions = new IgbSortingExpression[]{
                    new IgbSortingExpression()
                        FieldName = "Title",
                        Dir = SortingDirection.Asc

    [!Note] If values of type string are used by a column of DataType Date, the IgbGrid won't parse them to Date objects and using IgbGrid Sorting won't work as expected. If you want to use string objects, additional logic should be implemented on an application level, in order to parse the values to Date objects.

    Sorting Indicators Templates

    The sorting indicator icon in the column header can be customized using a template. The following properties are available for templating the sorting indicator for any sorting state (ascending, descending, none):

    <IgbGrid SortHeaderIconTemplate="SortDefaultTemplate"></IgbGrid>
    @code {
        public RenderFragment<IgbGridHeaderTemplateContext> SortDefaultTemplate = (ctx) =>
            return @<IgbIcon Size="SizableComponentSize.Small" IconName="unfold_more" Collection="material"></IgbIcon>;
    <IgbGrid SortAscendingHeaderIconTemplate="SortAscendingTemplate"></IgbGrid>
    @code {
        public RenderFragment<IgbGridHeaderTemplateContext> SortAscendingTemplate = (ctx) =>
            return @<IgbIcon Size="SizableComponentSize.Small" IconName="expand_less" Collection="material"></IgbIcon>;
    <IgbGrid SortDescendingHeaderIconTemplate="SortDescendingTemplate"></IgbGrid>
    @code {
        public RenderFragment<IgbGridHeaderTemplateContext> SortDescendingTemplate = (ctx) =>
            return @<IgbIcon Size="SizableComponentSize.Small" IconName="expand_more" Collection="material"></IgbIcon>;


    In addition to the predefined themes, the grid could be further customized by setting some of the available CSS properties. In case you would like to change some of the colors, you need to set a class for the grid first:

    <IgbGrid class="grid">

    Then set the related CSS properties to this class:

    .grid {
        --ig-grid-sorted-header-icon-color: #ffb06a;
        --ig-grid-sortable-header-icon-hover-color: black;


    API References

    Additional Resources

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