Blazor Date Time Input Overview

    The Ignite UI for Blazor Date Time Input allows the user to set and edit the date and time in a chosen input element. The user can edit both date and time portions using an editable masked input. Additionally, one can specify a desired display and input format, as well as min and max values to utilize validation.


    Before using the IgbDateTimeInput, you need to register it as follows:

    // in Program.cs file

    You will also need to link an additional CSS file to apply the styling to the IgbDateTimeInput component. The following needs to be placed in the wwwroot/index.html file in a Blazor Web Assembly project or the Pages/_Host.cshtml file in a Blazor Server project:

    <link href="_content/IgniteUI.Blazor/themes/light/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" />

    Value binding

    The easiest way to set the value of the IgbDateTimeInput component is by passing a Date object to the Value property:

    <IgbDateTimeInput @ref="DateTimeInputRef" Value="@Date">
        <IgbIcon IconName="clear" Collection="myIcons" slot="prefix" @onclick="OnClear"></IgbIcon>

    Keyboard Navigation

    The IgbDateTimeInput has intuitive keyboard navigation that makes it easy to increment, decrement, or jump through different DateParts among others without having to touch the mouse.

    Keys Description
    Move one character to the beginning
    Move one character to the end
    Home Move to the beginning
    End Move to the end
    Ctrl / Command + Move to the beginning of the date/time section - current one or left one
    Ctrl / Command + Move to the end of the date/time section - current on or right one
    Focus on a date/time part + Decrements a date/time part
    Focus on a date/time part + Increments a date/time part
    Ctrl / Command + ; Sets the current date/time as the value of the editor

    Setting formats

    The IgbDateTimeInput supports different display and input formats.

    It uses Intl.DateTimeFormat which allows it to support predefined format options, such as long and short, medium and full. Additionally, it can also accept a custom string constructed from supported characters, such as dd-MM-yy. Also, if no DisplayFormat is provided, the component will use the InputFormat as such.

    Input Format

    The table bellow shows formats that are supported by the component's InputFormat:

    Format Description
    d Date, will be coerced with a leading zero while editing.
    dd Date with an explicitly set leading zero.
    M Month, will be coerced with a leading zero while editing.
    MM Month with an explicitly set leading zero.
    yy Short year format.
    yyyy Full year format.
    h Hours in 12-hour format, will be coerced with a leading zero while editing.
    hh Hours in 12-hour format with an explicitly set leading zero.
    H Hours in 24-hour format, will be coerced with a leading zero while editing.
    HH Hours in 24-hour format, with an explicitly set leading zero.
    m Minutes, will be coerced with a leading zero while editing.
    mm Minutes with an explicitly set leading zero.
    tt AM/PM section for 12-hour format.

    To set a specific input format, pass it as a string to the IgbDateTimeInput. This will set both the expected user input format and the mask. Additionally, the InputFormat is locale based, so if none is provided, the editor will default to dd/MM/yyyy.

    <IgbDateTimeInput @ref="DateTimeInputRef" InputFormat="dd-MM-yy" DisplayFormat="medium">
        <IgbIcon IconName="clear" Collection="myIcons" slot="prefix" @onclick="OnClear"></IgbIcon>

    If all went well, you should see the following in your browser:

    Display format

    The date time input exposes predefined formats for displaying date/time in various manners. All of the examples below are given in en-US locale.

    Option Example
    short 7/17/22, 12:00 AM
    medium Jul 17, 2022, 12:00:00 AM
    long July 17, 2022 at 12:00:00 AM GMT+3
    full Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 12:00:00 AM Eastern European Summer Time
    shortDate 7/17/22
    mediumDate Jul 17, 2022
    longDate July 17, 2022
    fullDate Sunday, July 17, 2022
    shortTime 12:00 AM
    mediumTime 12:00:00 AM
    longTime 12:00:00 AM GMT+3
    fullTime 12:00:00 AM Eastern European Summer Time

    Furthermore, users can construct a displayFormat string using the supported symbols described in the following table.

    Type Format Description Example
    Day d Minimum digits. 7, 17
    dd Zero padded. 07, 17
    Month M Minimum digits. 3, 10
    MM Zero padded. 03, 10
    MMM Abbreviated Oct
    MMMM Wide October
    MMMMM Narrow O
    Year y Numeric 2022
    yy Two digit 22
    yyy Numeric 2022
    yyyy Numeric 2022
    Hour 1-12 h Minimum digits 1, 12
    hh Zero padded 01, 12
    Hour 1-24 H Minimum digits 1, 23
    HH Zero padded 01, 23
    Minute m Minimum digits 1, 59
    mm Zero padded 01, 59
    Second s Minimum digits 1, 59
    ss Zero padded 01, 59
    Time Period t Abbreviated AM, PM
    tt Abbreviated AM, PM
    ttt Short noon
    tttt Long noon
    ttttt Narrow n

    [!Note] Many locales use the same time period string, irrespective of the format specified. Also, it has an effect only if a 12-hour clock is used.

    Min/max value

    You can specify Min and Max properties to restrict input and control the validity of the component. Just like the Value property, they can be of type string.

    <IgbDateTimeInput @ref="DateTimeInputRef" Min="@MinDate" Max="@MaxDate">
        <IgbIcon IconName="clear" Collection="myIcons" slot="prefix" @onclick="OnClear"></IgbIcon>

    If all went well, the component will be invalid if the value is greater or lower than the given dates. Check out the example below:

    Step up/down

    The IgbDateTimeInput exposes public StepUp and StepDown methods. They increment or decrement a specific DatePart of the currently set date and time and can be used in a couple of ways.

    In the first scenario, if no specific DatePart is passed to the method, a default DatePart will increment or decrement, based on the specified InputFormat and the internal component implementation. In the second scenario, you can explicitly specify what DatePart to manipulate as it may suite different requirements. Also, both methods accept an optional delta parameter of type number which can be used to set the stepUp/stepDown step.

    Additionally, SpinDelta is a property that can be used to apply a different delta to each date time segment. It will be applied when spinning with the keyboard, mouse wheel or with the StepUp and StepDown methods, as long as they don't have the delta parameter provided since it will take precedence over SpinDelta.

    Try it in the example below:


    The IgbDateTimeInput component derives from the IgbInput component, so it exposes all available CSS parts. See Input Styling for reference.

    API References

    Additional Resources