Blazor Navbar Overview

    The Ignite UI for Blazor Navbar informs the user of their current position in an app. The Navigation Bar can also provide links to quick actions such as search or favorite, helping users navigate smoothly through an application without trying to move to invalid routes or states. The bar sits at the top of the container it is placed in.

    Blazor Navbar Example

    The following example represents a IgbNavbar with icons and text header:


    Before using the IgbNavbar, you need to register it as follows:

    // in Program.cs file

    For a complete introduction to the Ignite UI for Blazor, read the Getting Started topic.

    You will also need to link an additional CSS file to apply the styling to the IgbNavbar component. The following needs to be placed in the wwwroot/index.html file in a Blazor Web Assembly project or the Pages/_Host.cshtml file in a Blazor Server project:

    <link href="_content/IgniteUI.Blazor/themes/light/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" />

    Then in the template of IgbNavbar, you can add the following code to show a basic IgbNavbar with a title only:

    <IgbNavbar>Navigation Title</IgbNavbar>


    You can added some IgbIcon elements using the Start and End slots to theIgbNavbar as it is shown in the following sample:


    The NavBar component exposes several CSS parts, giving you full control over its style:

    Name Description
    base The base wrapper of the navigation bar.
    start The left aligned icon container.
    middle The navigation bar title container.
    end The right aligned action icons container.
    igc-icon {
      color: var(--ig-primary-500);
    igc-navbar {
      background-color: var(--ig-secondary-200);
    igc-navbar::part(middle) {
      font-family: Titillium Web, sans-serif;
      color: var(--ig-primary-500);;

    If all went well, you should see the following in your browser:

    API References

    Additional Resources