Product Lifecycle

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The following product lifecycle applies to Ignite UI for jQuery, Ignite UI for Asp.Net MVC, Ignite UI for Asp.Net Core, Ignite UI for Blazor, Ignite UI for React, Ignite UI for Web Components,  Ultimate UI for WPF, Ultimate UI for Windows Forms, and Ultimate UI for ASP.NET Web Forms.

Infragistics will offer to active, paying subscribers of these products a minimum of:

  • 1 year of product service releases
  • 3 year of developer support
  • Note: Indigo.Design and Ultimate UI for Xamarin do not receive service releases. All bug fixes are available in the latest version of Ultimate UI and Ultimate UI for Xamarin.  Ignite UI for Blazor, Ignite UI for Angular, Ignite UI for React and Ignite UI for Web Components do not receive service releases on the same schedule as the products below. Each product receives weekly patches with bug fixes for each supported version, which are released every Monday. Upcoming schedules are here.

The following table lists the Infragistics products currently in an active, supported state.

Support Expires
Add 2023 volume 2 Jan 2024 Jan 2027
2023 Volume 1 June 2023 June 2026
2022 Volume 2 November 2022 November 2025
2022 Volume 1 June 2022 June 2025
2021 Volume 2 December 2021 December 2024
2021 Volume 1 May 2021 May 2024
2020 Volume 2 December 2020 December 2023
2020 Volume 1 June 2020 June 2023
2019 Volume 2 November 2019 November 2022
All products prior to 2019 Volume 2
(various) Expired