Webinar: App Builder Feature Roundup and Roadmap

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Event Description

Over the last few months, we have demonstrated a variety of components and capabilities within App Builder that can assist you in accelerating your application development. Our next session in our accelerator series will take a closer look at some of newly added features from our last release, as well as discuss future plans and our App Builder roadmap.

In this webinar, we will showcase:

  • Asset Support and Storage
  • Adobe XD Cloud Sync and Code Generation
  • Share and Preview App from Indigo.Cloud
  • OpenAPI/Swagger Support for Cloud Data Access

At the end of this webinar, you’ll have a full understanding of how to best utilize these new features and start accelerating app design and development with App Builder!

About the Presenter

Jason Beres

As the Sr. VP of Developer Tools at Infragistics, Jason Beres and his team spearhead the customer-driven, innovative features and functionality throughout all Infragistics' testing, developer and user experience products. Jason works directly with Infragistics customers around the globe to ensure that their needs are met through our products and roadmaps. He is a former Microsoft .NET MVP, and he is the author of several books on software development, covering topics like SQL Server, C#, Visual Basic, Rich Client and Web Development. Jason is a national and international conference speaker and keeps very active in the developer and UX community. You can follow Jason at @jasonberes on Twitter.