Angular Hierarchical Grid Batch Editing and Transactions

    The Batch Editing feature of the IgxHierarchicalGrid is based on the TransactionService. Follow the Transaction Service class hierarchy topic to see an overview of the igxTransactionService and details how it is implemented.

    In order to use the HierarchicalTransactionService with IgxHierarchicalGrid, but have it accumulating separate transaction logs for each island, a service factory should be provided instead. One is exported and ready for use as IgxHierarchicalTransactionServiceFactory.

    Below is a detailed example of how is Batch Editing enabled for the Hierarchical Grid component.

    Angular Hierarchical Grid Batch Editing and Transactions Example

    The following sample demonstrates a scenario, where the hierarchicalGrid has batchEditing enabled and has row editing enabled. The latter will ensure that transaction will be added after the entire row edit is confirmed.


    Transaction state consists of all the updated, added and deleted rows, and their last states.


    To get started import the IgxHierarchicalGridModule in the app.module.ts file:

    // app.module.ts
    import { IgxHierarchicalGridModule } from 'igniteui-angular';
        imports: [..., IgxHierarchicalGridModule],
    export class AppModule {}

    Then, all you need to do is enable batchEditing from your Hierarchical Grid:

    <igx-hierarchical-grid [data]="data" [batchEditing]="true">

    This will ensure a proper instance of Transaction service is provided for the igx-hierarchical-grid. The proper TransactionService is provided through a TransactionFactory. You can learn more about this internal implementation in the transactions topic.

    After batch editing is enabled, define a IgxHierarchicalGrid with bound data source and rowEditable set to true and bind:

    <igx-hierarchical-grid #hierarchicalGrid [batchEditing]="true" [data]="data" [primaryKey]="'Artist'"
        [height]="'580px'" [width]="'100%'" [rowEditable]="true" >
        <igx-row-island #childGrid [key]="'Albums'" [primaryKey]="'Album'" [rowEditable]="true">
            <ng-template igxToolbarCustomContent let-grid="grid">
                <button igxButton [disabled]="!grid.transactions.canUndo" (click)="undo(grid)">Undo</button>
                <button igxButton [disabled]="!grid.transactions.canRedo" (click)="redo(grid)">Redo</button>
    <div class="buttons-row">
        <div class="buttons-wrapper">
            <button igxButton [disabled]="!undoEnabledParent" (click)="undo(hierarchicalGrid)">Undo Parent</button>
            <button igxButton [disabled]="!redoEnabledParent" (click)="redo(hierarchicalGrid)">Redo Parent</button>

    The following code demonstrates the usage of the transactions API - undo, redo, commit.

    export class HierarchicalGridBatchEditingSampleComponent {
        public undo(grid: any) {
            /* exit edit mode and commit changes */
        public redo(grid: any) {
            /* exit edit mode and commit changes */
        public commit() {
            this.childGrid.hgridAPI.getChildGrids().forEach((grid) => {

    The transactions API won't handle end of edit and you'd need to do it by yourself. Otherwise, Hierarchical Grid would stay in edit mode. One way to do that is by calling endEdit in the respective method.


    Disabling rowEditable property will modify Hierarchical Grid to create transactions on cell change and will not expose row editing overlay in the UI.

    API References

    Additional Resources

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