
    Elevations are used to establish and maintain functional boundaries between Document Object Model trees to enable better functional encapsulation. The implementation of the Elevations in Ignite UI for Angular is modeled after the Elevations in Material Design.


    Shadows in Ignite UI for Angular closely follow the Material Design guidelines for establishing depth hierarchy based on 25 elevation levels. The size of the shadow cast is related to the elevation level number. The higher the elevation level number, the larger the shadow will be. Elevations in Ignite UI for Angular are exposed as CSS variables. Each variable stores a set of 3 box-shadows. These box-shadows represent the umbra, penumbra, and antumbra elements that are the properties of shadows as observed in the real world.

    Here's a list of resting elevations as used in various components in Ignite UI for Angular in the Material Theme and their corresponding CSS variable names:

    Component Default Elevation Level CSS Variable
    banner, button, toast 0 --ig-elevation-0
    badge, carousel buttons, search input 1 --ig-elevation-1
    button group, contained button, card, grid, switch 2 --ig-elevation-2
    navbar, snackbar 4 --ig-elevation-4
    floating action button, 6 --ig-elevation-6
    bottom navigation, ghost chip, dropdown 8 --ig-elevation-8
    navdrawer 16 --ig-elevation-16
    dialog 24 --ig-elevation-24

    As you can see from the CSS Variable column, all elevations are defined in the following format --ig-elevation-[level]. As mentioned, the elevation level number go from 0 through 24(inclusive).


    To begin using elevations in your own components all you need is to reference the variable name of the desired level.

    .floaty-element {
      box-shadow: var(--ig-elevation-6);

    Changing the elevation in an existing component theme works similarly.

    [igxButton="contained"] {
      --resting-shadow: var(--ig-elevation-4);
      --hover-shadow: var(--ig-elevation-12);
      --focus-shadow: var(--ig-elevation-12);

    The documentation for each component theme lists the default elevation used in each of its states. If elevation is not listed, the component doesn't use any of the predefined elevation levels.

    Defining Elevations

    Updating the default elevations works in a way similar to how palette colors are updated. You simply need to reassign the variable to a different value. With elevations, make sure the value is a box-shadow.


    /* styles.css */
    :root {
        --ig-elevation-1: 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .18);
        --ig-elevation-2: 0 3px 9px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .24);

    Now, all components that use elevation levels 1 and 2 will have their shadows updated.


    You can shadow the globally set elevations for a specific scope only. We already saw that the button component uses elevation level 2 for its resting state. Level 2 is also used by the card and grid components. So to change the shadows for all three, all you need to do is:

    igx-card {
        --ig-elevation-2: 0 3px 9px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .24);

    This will set the --resting-shadow in the contained button and card, and the --grid-shadow in the grid, to the value assigned to --ig-elevation-2;

    Elevations can be created and consumed in a more powerful way using Sass as well. Check out the related topics below to learn more.

    Additional Resources

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