



actualAreaFillOpacity?: string | number

Gets the actual opacity applied to the area fill visual.

let actualFillOpacity: number = series.actualAreaFillOpacity;
actualBrush?: string

Gets the effective brush for the current series object.

let actualBrush: string = series.actualBrush;
actualFocusBrush?: string

Gets the effective emphasis brush for the current series object.

actualFocusMode?: string | SeriesSelectionMode

Gets actual Selection mode

actualHighlightedValuesFadeOpacity?: string | number

Gets actual HighlightedValues fade opacity

actualHighlightingFadeOpacity?: string | number

Gets actual highlighting fade opacity

actualHighlightingMode?: string | SeriesHighlightingMode

Gets actual highlighting mode

actualHitTestMode?: string | SeriesHitTestMode

Resolved method of hit testing to use when pointing to items in the chart.

let hitTestMode: SeriesHitTestMode = this.series.actualHitTestMode;
actualItemSearchMode?: string | ScatterItemSearchMode
actualLegendItemBadgeBrush?: string

Gets the effective legend badge fill for the current series.

actualLegendItemBadgeOutline?: string

Gets the effective legend badge outline for the current series.

actualLegendItemBadgeTemplate?: IgDataTemplate

Gets the actual legend item badge template used by the series.

actualMarkerBrush?: string

Gets the effective marker brush for the current series object.

ActualMarkerBrush property gets the effective marker brush for the current series object. For example, you can use it like this:

 let effectiveMarkerBrush: string = this.series.actualMarkerBrush;
actualMarkerFillOpacity?: string | number

Gets the actual opacity applied to the fill of the markers.

actualMarkerOutline?: string

Gets the effective marker outline for the current series object.

`ActualMarkerOutline` property gets the effective marker outline for the current series object. You can use it like this:
 let effectiveMarkerOutline: string = this.series.actualMarkerOutline;
actualMarkerTemplate?: IgDataTemplate

Gets the effective marker template for the current series object.

ActualMarkerTemplate property gets the effective marker template for the current series object. You can use it like this:

actualMarkerType?: string | MarkerType

Represents the resolved marker type for the series.

actualOutline?: string

Gets the effective outline for the current series object.

let actualOutline: string = series.ActualOutline;
actualResolution?: string | number
actualSelectionBrush?: string

Gets the effective emphasis brush for the current series object.

actualSelectionMode?: string | SeriesSelectionMode

Gets actual Selection mode

actualThickness?: string | number

Gets the effective Thickness for the current series object.

actualTrendLineBrush?: string

Gets the effective TrendLineBrush for this series.

areaFillOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the opacity applied to the area fill visual. This property only applies to series that have area visual.

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

actualAreaFillOpacity= {1} />
assigningScatterMarkerStyle?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

assigningScatterStyle?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

autoCalloutLabelFormat?: string

Gets or sets the AutoCalloutLabel format string to use for the AutoCalloutLabel.

autoCalloutLabelFormatSpecifiers?: any[]

Gets or sets the format specifiers to use with the AutoCalloutLabelFormat string.

autoCalloutValueLabelFormat?: string

Gets or sets the AutoCalloutLabel format string to use for the AutoCalloutLabel.

autoCalloutValueLabelFormatSpecifiers?: any[]

Gets or sets the format specifiers to use with the AutoCalloutValueLabelFormat string.

brush?: string

Gets or sets the brush to use for the series.

The Brush along with the Outline and Negative Brush can be used to affect the visuals of the Series.

this.series.brush = "red";
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

outline="Black" />
children?: ReactNode
coercionMethods?: any

Gets or sets the coercion methods to use when loading data from data sources. Should be specified before setting any member paths, if being used. Setting it later will not cause data to be reimported into the chart.

<-- position: content member-->

cMethods: any = {
ValueCoercion: function(value:number): number {return value+2;}

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

title="House Floor Plan"
coercionMethods = {this.ValueCoercion} />
dashArray?: string | number[]

Gets or sets a collection of Double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that is used to outline the current series object.

dataLegendGroup?: string

Gets or sets a name used for grouping multiple series in the Data Legend If not set, series will be grouped by series family, e.g. Category, Range, Financial, Scatter

dataSource?: any
discreteLegendItemTemplate?: IgDataTemplate

Gets or sets the DiscreteLegendItemTemplate property. The legend item control content is created according to the DiscreteLegendItemTemplate on-demand by the series object itself.

expectFunctions?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the series should expect that properties in its items source may be functions that need to be evaluated to yield their value. This defaults to false, as there will be a subtle performance impact to using this feature. This value must be set before assigning an item's source to take effect.

expectFunctions is used to decide whether the series should expect that its data source members need to be called as functions to get their values.

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

expectFunctions={true} />
finalValue?: string | number

The final value of this series.

focusBrush?: string

Gets or sets the Focus brush to use for the series.

highlightedDataSource?: any
highlightedLegendItemVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets whether the highlighted values layer should have a legend item.

highlightedTitleSuffix?: string

Gets or sets the HighlightedTitleSuffix property.

highlightedValuesDataLegendGroup?: string

Gets or sets a name used for grouping highlighted series in the Data Legend If not set, series will default to parent series' DataLegendGroup, e.g. Category, Range, Financial, Scatter

highlightedValuesDisplayMode?: string | SeriesHighlightedValuesDisplayMode

Gets or sets whether and how to display highlighted values for the series. Note, this is distinct from the highlighting feature that indicates what is closest or under the mouse.

highlightedValuesFadeOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the target opacity to fade to for fade style HighlightedValues.

highlightedXMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the highlighted X value mapping property for the current series object.

highlightedYMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the highlighted Y value mapping property for the current series object.

highlightingFadeOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the target opacity to fade to for fade style highlighting.

hitTestMode?: string | SeriesHitTestMode

Method of hit testing to use when pointing to items in this series.

The HitTestMode can be set to either:

  • Auto: automatically decide the appropriate hit test mode for the series.
  • ColorEncoded: use a color encoded off screen buffer for hit testing. Should always be O(1) time for determining a hit series. This increases frame render time and memory usage, however. Consider using this if hit testing time is degrading performance.
  • Computational: use a computational based approach to determine whether the series has been hit. This uses loose bounding boxes, in some cases, and can range in time complexity between O(1) and O(log n) to find a hit. This decreases frame render time compared to color encoded
this.series.hitTestMode = SeriesHitTestMode.Computational;
index?: string | number

Gets the Index property.

isActualLegendFinancial?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the ActualLegend is FinancialLegend or normal Legend.

isComponentHighlightingModeIgnored?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the component level highlight mode is ignored.

isCustomMarkerCircular?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the marker for the current series object should be treated as circular.

isCustomScatterMarkerStyleAllowed?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether this Scatter series should allow custom style overrides of its individual marker visuals.

isCustomScatterStyleAllowed?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether this Scatter series should allow custom style overrides of its individual visuals.

isDefaultToolTipSelected?: string | boolean

Gets if the default tooltip has been selected for display.

To use the default tooltip set ShowDefaultTooltip to true.

let isDefaultToolTipSelected: boolean = this.series.isDefaultToolTipSelected;
isDropShadowEnabled?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether drop shadow should be enabled for this series.

IsDropShadowEnabled is used to decide whether drop shadow should be enabled for this series.

this.series.isDropShadowEnabled = true;
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

isDropShadowEnabled="true" />
isHighlightingEnabled?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether highlighting should be enabled for this series, if this type of series supports highlighting.

this.series.isHighlightingEnabled = true;
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

isHighlightingEnabled="true" />
itemSearchMode?: string | ScatterItemSearchMode

Gets or sets the mode the series will use to find the closest point to the cursor.

itemSearchThreshold?: string | number

Gets or sets the threshold to use when searching for items using ItemSearchMode.

legend?: any

Gets or sets the legend used for the current series.

legendItemBadgeMode?: string | LegendItemBadgeMode

Gets or sets the mode of legend badge representing the current series in a legend. This property will be ignored when the LegendItemTemplate/LegendItemBadgeTemplate property is set on the series

legendItemBadgeShape?: string | LegendItemBadgeShape

Gets or sets the type of legend badge representing the current series in a legend. This property will be ignored when the LegendItemTemplate/LegendItemBadgeTemplate property is set on the series

legendItemBadgeTemplate?: IgDataTemplate

Gets or sets the LegendItemBadgeTemplate property. The legend item badge is created according to the LegendItemBadgeTemplate on-demand by the series object itself.

legendItemTemplate?: IgDataTemplate

Gets or sets the LegendItemTemplate property. The legend item control content is created according to the LegendItemTemplate on-demand by the series object itself.

legendItemVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets whether or not the current series will have a legend item displayed in a legend.

The LegendItemVisibilty can be used to exclude only certain Series from the Legend.

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

legendItemVisibility= "collapsed" />
lineCap?: string | PenLineCap

Gets or sets the style of the starting point of any lines or polylines representing this series. Not every series type has a line at which it would be appropriate to display a start cap, so this property does not affect every series type. LineSeries, for example, is affected by StartCap, but ColumnSeries is not.

lineJoin?: string | PenLineJoin

Gets or sets the brush that specifies current series object's line join style.

markerBrush?: string

Gets or sets the brush that specifies how the current series object's marker interiors are painted.

MarkerBrush property gets or sets the brush that specifies how the current series object's marker interiors are painted. You can use it like this:

this.series.markerBrush = "red";
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

markerBrush = "blue" />
markerCollisionAvoidance?: string | CollisionAvoidanceType

The desired behavior for markers in this series which are placed too close together for the current view, resulting in a collision.

markerFillMode?: string | MarkerFillMode

Gets or sets whether the marker fill is based on the marker outline of the series rather than the marker brushes collection.

markerFillOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the opacity applied to the fill of the markers. This property only applies to series that have area visual.

markerOutline?: string

Gets or sets the brush that specifies how the current series object's marker outlines are painted.

MarkerOutline property gets or sets the brush that specifies how the current series object's marker outlines are painted. You can use it like this:

this.series.markerOutline = "red";
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

markerOutline = "blue" />
markerOutlineMode?: string | MarkerOutlineMode

Gets or sets whether the marker outline is based on the marker brush of the series rather than the marker outlines collection.

markerTemplate?: IgDataTemplate

Gets or sets the MarkerTemplate for the current series object.

MarkerTemplate property gets or sets the MarkerTemplate for the current series object. For example, you can use it like this:

markerThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets thickness of the marker outline

markerType?: string | MarkerType

Gets or sets the marker type for the current series object. This property is ignored when the MarkerTemplate property is set

MarkerType property gets or sets the marker type for the current series object. For example, you can set it like this:

this.series.markerType = "circle";
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrCategoryXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

markerType = "circle"/>
maximumMarkers?: string | number

Gets or sets the maximum number of markerItems displayed by the current series. If more than the specified number of markerItems are visible, the series will automatically choose a representative set.

mouseOverEnabled?: string | boolean

Gets or sets the whether the chart reacts to mouse move events.

name: string

Sets or gets a required unique name for the series.

opacity?: string | number
outline?: string

Gets or sets the brush to use for the outline of the series. Some series types, such as LineSeries, do not display outlines. Therefore, this property does not affect some charts.

The Outline along with the Brush and NegativeBrush can be used to affect the visuals of the Series.

this.series.brush = "red";
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

outline="Black" />
outlineMode?: string | SeriesOutlineMode

Gets or sets the outline mode to use for the series.

percentChange?: string | number

The percent change from the beginning to the end of this series.

renderRequested?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

    • (s, e): void
    • This event is raised every time a render has been requested from a series.

       const series1 = new IgrAreaSeries({ name: "series1" });
      series1.valueMemberPath = "USA";
      series1.title = "USA";
      series1.xAxisName = "xAxis";
      series1.yAxisName = "yAxis";
      series1.renderRequested= this.onRenderRequested;

      public onRenderRequested =( s:IgrSeries, e: RenderRequestedEventArgs) => {
      dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

      <IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
      <IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

      renderRequested= {this.onRenderRequested}/>


      Returns void

resolution?: string | number

Gets or sets the current series object's rendering resolution.

Setting the Resolution on a Series to a higher value can help with performance, but it will lower the graphical fidelity of the line. As such, it can be increased up until the fidelity is unacceptable.

this.series.resolution = 1.5;
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

resolution= {1.5} />
safeActualBrush?: string

Gets the effective brush for the current series object with opacity removed so its contrasty for use as a font color.

selectionBrush?: string

Gets or sets the selection brush to use for the series.

shadowBlur?: string | number

Gets or sets the shadow blur. This property is ignored when Series.UseSingleShadow is set to true.

ShadowBlur can be set in conjection with IsDropShadowEnabled to further define the drop shadow effect.

this.series.shadowBlur = 7;
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

shadowColor="blue" />
shadowColor?: string

Gets or sets the drop shadow color.

ShadowColor can be set in conjection with IsDropShadowEnabled to further define the drop shadow effect.

this.series.shadowColor = "blue";
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

shadowColor="blue" />
shadowOffsetX?: string | number

Gets or sets the drop shadow x-offset.

ShadowOffsetX can be set in conjection with IsDropShadowEnabled to further define the drop shadow effect.

this.series.shadowOffsetX = 10;
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

shadowOffsetX= {10}
shadowOffsetY={10] />
shadowOffsetY?: string | number

Gets or sets the drop shadow y-offset.

ShadowOffsetY can be set in conjection with IsDropShadowEnabled to further define the drop shadow effect.

this.series.shadowOffsetY = 10;
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

shadowOffsetX= {10}
shadowOffsetY= {10} />
shouldAnimateOnDataSourceSwap?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether and how to display highlighted values for the series. Note, this is distinct from the highlighting feature that indicates what is closest or under the mouse.

shouldHideAutoCallouts?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether this series should suppress it's auto callouts

shouldRemoveHighlightedDataOnLayerHidden?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the opacity should be automatically shifted for the safe actual brush.

shouldShiftOpacityForSafeActualBrush?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the opacity should be automatically shifted for the safe actual brush.

showDefaultTooltip?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether default tooltip will be shown.

The default tooltips display all the information relevant to the particular series item (series title, data values, axis values etc.) and are styled to match the series' style. When using default tooltips, you should also set the series Title.

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

showDefaultTooltip ="true"
title="InStock Items" />
this.series.showDefaultTooltip ="true";
thickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the width of the current series object's line thickness.

Depending on the Series type, this can be the main brush used, or just the outline. For example, when using a LineSeries it will affect the thickness of the lines drawn, whereas when using a ColumnSeries it will affect the outer border thickness of the columns.

dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

thickness= {5} />
title?: any

Gets or sets the Title property. The legend item control is created according to the Title on-demand by the series object itself.

The Series Title may be used in tooltips and legends.

this.series.title = "InStock Items";
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

title="InStock Items" />
tooltipTemplate?: FunctionComponent<IChartTooltipProps> | Component<IChartTooltipProps, {}, any>
transitionDuration?: string | number

Gets or sets the duration of the current series' morph.

The TransitionDuration can be used to play animation when data is added or removed from a Series. To play an initial animation see TransitionInDuration.

this.series.transitionDuration = 500;
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

transitionDuration= {500}
transitionInDuration = {500} />
transitionEasingFunction?: ((time) => number)

Type declaration

    • (time): number
    • Gets or sets the easing function used to morph the current series.

      The TransitioninDuration and TransitionEasingFunction can be used to play animation when data is added or removed from a Series. To play an initial animation see TransitionInDuration.

      dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

      <IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
      <IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

      transitionEasingFunction ="cubicEase"
      isTransitionInEnabled= {true} />
      this.series.transitionEasingFunction =  EasingFunctions.cubicEase;


      • time: number

      Returns number

transitionInDuration?: string | number

Gets or sets the duration of the current series' transition in morph.

The TransitionInDuration can be used with IsTransitionInEnabled to cofigure the animation when a new datasource is loaded.

this.series.transitionDuration = 500;
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

isTransitionInEnabled= {true}
transitionInDuration= {500} />
transitionInEasingFunction?: ((time) => number)

Type declaration

    • (time): number
    • Gets or sets the EasingFunction used to morph the current series during the initial transition.

      The TransitionInEasingFunction can be used with IsTransitionInEnabled to cofigure the animation when a new datasource is loaded.

      dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

      <IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
      <IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

      transitionInEasingFunction ="cubicEase"
      isTransitionInEnabled= {true} />
      this.series.transitionInEasingFunction =  EasingFunctions.cubicEase;


      • time: number

      Returns number

transitionInSpeedType?: string | TransitionInSpeedType

Gets or sets the duration of the current series' transition in morph.

The TransitionInSpeedType can be used with IsTransitionInEnabled to cofigure the animation when a new datasource is loaded.

this.series.transitionInSpeedType = TransitionInSpeedType.IndexScaled;
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

transitionInDuration=500 />
transitionOutCompleted?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

transitionOutDuration?: string | number

Gets or sets the duration of the current series' transition out morph.

transitionOutEasingFunction?: ((time) => number)

Type declaration

    • (time): number
    • Gets or sets the EasingFunction used to morph the current series during the initial transition.


      • time: number

      Returns number

transitionOutSpeedType?: string | TransitionOutSpeedType

Gets or sets the duration of the current series' transition out morph.

trendLineBrush?: string

Gets or sets the brush to use to draw the trend line.

trendLineDashArray?: string | number[]

Gets or sets a collection of double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that is used to draw the trend line for the current scatter series object.

trendLinePeriod?: string | number

Gets or sets the moving average period for the current scatter series object. The typical, and initial, value for trend line period is 7.

trendLineThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the thickness of the current scatter series object's trend line.

trendLineType?: string | TrendLineType

Gets or sets the trend type for the current scatter series.

trendLineZIndex?: string | number

Gets or sets the Z-Index of the trend line. Values greater than 1000 will result in the trend line being rendered in front of the series data.

useItemWiseColors?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the series should use individual palette colors for each item.

useSingleShadow?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether drop shadow is applied to the whole series visual or to each of the individual shapes forming the series. When this property is set to true, no Series.ShadowBlur is applied.

this.series.useSingleShadow = true;
dataSource={this.state.dataSource} >

<IgrNumericXAxis name="xAxis" />
<IgrNumericYAxis name="yAxis" />

useSingleShadow= {true} />
visibility?: string | Visibility
visibleRangeMarginBottom?: string | number

Gets or sets the bottom margin to use when getting a visible axis range for the series.

visibleRangeMarginLeft?: string | number

Gets or sets the left margin to use when getting a visible axis range for the series.

visibleRangeMarginRight?: string | number

Gets or sets the right margin to use when getting a visible axis range for the series.

visibleRangeMarginTop?: string | number

Gets or sets the top margin to use when getting a visible axis range for the series.

visibleRangeMode?: string | SeriesVisibleRangeMode

Gets or sets the visible range mode to use.

Gets or sets the effective x-axis for the current object.

xAxisName?: string

Gets or sets the name to use to resolve xAxis from markup.

xMemberAsLegendLabel?: string

Gets or sets the label displayed before series X value in the Data Legend.

xMemberAsLegendUnit?: string

Gets or sets the unit after displayed after series X value in the Data Legend.

xMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the value mapping property for the current series object.

Gets or sets the effective y-axis for the current object.

yAxisName?: string

Gets or sets the name to use to resolve yAxis from markup.

yMemberAsLegendLabel?: string

Gets or sets the label displayed before series Y value in the Data Legend.

yMemberAsLegendUnit?: string

Gets or sets the unit after displayed after series Y value in the Data Legend.

yMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the value mapping property for the current series object.