Angular Multi-row Layout

    Multi-row Layout extends the rendering capabilities of the igxGridComponent. The feature allows splitting a single data record into multiple visible rows.

    Angular Multi-row Layout Example

    The declaration of Multi-row Layout is achieved through igx-column-layout component. Each igx-column-layout component should be considered as a block, containing one or multiple igx-column components. Some of the grid features work on block level (those are listed in the "Feature Integration" section below). For example the virtualization will use the block to determine the virtual chunks, so for better performance split the columns into more igx-column-layout blocks if the layout allows it. There should be no columns outside of those blocks and no usage of IgxColumnGroupComponent when configuring a multi-row layout. Multi-row Layout is implemented on top of the grid layout specification and should conform to its requirements.

    IgxColumnComponent exposes four @Input properties to determine the location and span of each cell:

    • colStart - column index from which the field is starting. This property is mandatory.
    • rowStart - row index from which the field is starting. This property is mandatory.
    • colEnd - column index where the current field should end. The amount of columns between colStart and colEnd will determine the amount of spanning columns to that field. This property is optional. If not set defaults to colStart + 1.
    • rowEnd - row index where the current field should end. The amount of rows between rowStart and rowEnd will determine the amount of spanning rows to that field. This property is optional. If not set defaults to rowStart + 1.
    	<igx-column [rowStart]="1" [colStart]="1" [rowEnd]="3" field="ID"></igx-column>
    	<igx-column [rowStart]="1" [colStart]="1" [colEnd]="3" field="CompanyName"></igx-column>
    	<igx-column [rowStart]="2" [colStart]="1" [colEnd]="2" field="ContactName"></igx-column>
    	<igx-column [rowStart]="2" [colStart]="2" [colEnd]="3" field="ContactTitle"></igx-column>
    	<igx-column [rowStart]="1" [colStart]="1" [colEnd]="3" field="Country"></igx-column>
    	<igx-column [rowStart]="1" [colStart]="3" [colEnd]="5" field="Region"></igx-column>
    	<igx-column [rowStart]="1" [colStart]="5" [colEnd]="7" field="PostalCode"></igx-column>
    	<igx-column [rowStart]="2" [colStart]="1" [colEnd]="4" field="City"></igx-column>
    	<igx-column [rowStart]="2" [colStart]="4" [colEnd]="7" field="Address"></igx-column>
        <igx-column [rowStart]="1" [colStart]="1" field="Phone"></igx-column>
        <igx-column [rowStart]="2" [colStart]="1" field="Fax"></igx-column>

    The result of the above configuration can be seen on the screenshot below:


    rowStart and colStart properties must be set for each igx-column into igx-column-layout. The igxColumnLayout component is not verifying if the layout is correct and not throwing errors or warnings about that. The developers must make sure that the declaration of their layout is correct and complete, otherwise they may end up in broken layout with misalignments, overlaps and browser inconsistencies.

    Feature Integration

    Due to the completly different rendering approach of Multi-row Layout, some of the column features will work only on igx-column-layout component. Such features are Column Pinning and Column Hiding. Othes like - Sorting and Grouping will work in the same way - on igx-column component.

    • Filtering - only Excel Style Filtering is supported. Setting filterMode explicitly to FilterMode.quickFilter has no effect.
    • Paging - works on records, not visual rows.
    • Group By - hideGroupedColumns option has no effect in Multi-row Layout. The grouped columns are always visible.

    The following features are currently not supported:

    • Column Moving
    • Multi-column Headers
    • Export to Excel
    • Summaries

    Keyboard Navigation

    IgxGridComponent with Multi-Row Layouts provides build-in keyboard navigation.

    Horizontal nagivation

    • Arrow Left or Arrow Right - move to the adjacent cell on the left/right within the current row unaffected by the column layouts that are defined. If the current cell spans on more than one row, Arrow Left and Arrow Right should navigate to the first cell on the left and right with the same rowStart, unless you have navigated to some other adjacent cell before. The navigation stores the starting navigation cell and navigates to the cells with the same rowStart if possible.
    • Ctrl + Arrow Left (HOME) or Ctrl + Arrow Right (END) - navigate to the start or end of the row and select the cell with accordance to the starting navigation cell.

    Vertical nagivation

    • Arrow Up or Arrow Down - move to the cell above/below in relation to a starting position and is unaffected by the rows. If the current cell spans on more than one column the next active cell will be selected with accordance to the starting navigation cell.
    • Ctrl + Arrow Up or Ctrl + Down - Navigate and apply focus on the same column on the first or on the last row.
    • Ctrl + Home or Ctrl + End - Navigate to the first row and focus first cell or navigate to the last row and focus the last cell.

    Navigation through cells which span on multiple rows or columns is done with accordance to the starting navigation cell and will allow returning to the starting cell using the key for the opposite direction. The same approach is used when navigating through group rows.


    Selection and multi cell selection are working on layout, meaning that when a cell is active, its layout will be selected. Also all features of multiple selection like drag selection are applicable and will work per layout not per cell.

    Custom Keyboard Navigation

    The grid allows customizing the default navigation behavior when a certain key is pressed. Actions like going to the next cell or cell below could be handled easily with the powerful keyboard navigation API:

    • gridKeydown is exposed. The event will emit IGridKeydownEventArgs. This event is available only through the keyboard key combinations mentioned above, for all other key actions you can use keydown event (keydown)="onKeydown($event)"
    • navigateTo - this method allows you to navigate to a position based on provided rowindex and visibleColumnIndex

    The demo below adds additional navigation down/up via the Enter and Shift + Enter keys, similar to the behavior observed in Excel.


    Layout Configurator

    Sometimes when configuring a column layout it might be a challenge to calculate and set the proper colStart and colEnd or rowStart and rowEnd. Especially when there are a lot of columns in a single layout. That is why we have created a small configurator, so you can easily do that and have a similar preview of how it would look inside the igxGrid when applied. You can do the following interactions with it:

    • Set number of rows for the whole configuration. All layouts must have the same amount of rows.
    • Add/Remove column layouts by clicking the Add Layout chip or reordering them by dragging a layout chip left/right.
    • Set specific settings for each layout as number of columns and how wide they will be. The setting refer to the currently selected layout.
    • Resize column cells in the layout preview so they can span more columns/rows or clear them using the Delete button.
    • Set columns in the preview by dragging a column chip in the place your will want it to be.
    • Add/Remove new columns by using the Add Column chip.
    • Get template output of the whole configuration ready to by placed inside an igxGrid or the JSON representation that can also be used and parsed in your template using NgForOf for example.

    By default we have set the same columns as our previous sample, but it can be cleared and configured to match your desired configuration.


    The igxGrid allows styling through the Ignite UI for Angular Theme Library. The grid's theme exposes a wide variety of properties, which allow the customization of all the features of the grid.

    In the below steps, we are going through the steps of customizing the grid's Multi-row Layout styling.

    Importing global theme

    To begin the customization of the Multi-row Layout feature, you need to import the index file, where all styling functions and mixins are located.

    @use "igniteui-angular/theming" as *;
    // IMPORTANT: Prior to Ignite UI for Angular version 13 use:
    // @import '~igniteui-angular/lib/core/styles/themes/index';

    Defining custom theme

    Next, create a new theme, that extends the grid-theme and accepts the parameters, required to customize the feature layout as desired.

    $custom-theme: grid-theme(
        $cell-active-border-color: #ffcd0f,
        $cell-selected-background: #6f6f6f,
        $row-hover-background: #fde069,
        $row-selected-background: #8d8d8d,
        $header-background: #494949,
        $header-text-color: #fff,
        $sorted-header-icon-color: #ffcd0f,
        $sortable-header-icon-hover-color: #e9bd0d

    Defining a custom color palette

    In the approach, that was described above, the color values were hardcoded. Alternatively, you can achieve greater flexibility, using the igx-palette and igx-color functions.
    igx-palette generates a color palette, based on provided primary and secondary colors.

    $black-color: #494949;
    $yellow-color: #FFCD0F;
    $custom-palette: palette(
     $primary: $black-color,
     $secondary: $yellow-color

    After a custom palette has been generated, the igx-color function can be used to obtain different varieties of the primary and the secondary colors.

    $custom-theme: grid-theme(
        $cell-active-border-color: color($custom-palette, "secondary", 500),
        $cell-selected-background: color($custom-palette, "primary", 300),
        $row-hover-background: color($custom-palette, "secondary", 300),
        $row-selected-background: color($custom-palette, "primary", 100),
        $header-background: color($custom-palette, "primary", 500),
        $header-text-color:contrast-color($custom-palette, "primary", 500),
        $sorted-header-icon-color: color($custom-palette, "secondary", 500),
        $sortable-header-icon-hover-color: color($custom-palette, "secondary", 600)

    Defining custom schemas

    You can go even further and build flexible structure that has all the benefits of a schema. The schema is the recipe of a theme.
    Extend one of the two predefined schemas, that are provided for every component. In our case, we would use $_light_grid.

    $custom-grid-schema: extend($_light-grid,(
        cell-active-border-color: (igx-color:('secondary', 500)),
        cell-selected-background: (igx-color:('primary', 300)),
        row-hover-background: (igx-color:('secondary', 300)),
        row-selected-background: (igx-color:('primary', 100)),
        header-background: (igx-color:('primary', 500)),
        header-text-color: (igx-contrast-color:('primary', 500)),
        sorted-header-icon-color: (igx-color:('secondary', 500)),
        sortable-header-icon-hover-color: (igx-color:('secondary', 600)) 

    In order for the custom schema to be applied, either light, or dark globals has to be extended. The whole process is actually supplying a component with a custom schema and adding it to the respective component theme afterwards.

    $my-custom-schema: extend($light-schema, ( 
        igx-grid: $custom-grid-schema
     $custom-theme: grid-theme(
        $palette: $custom-palette,
        $schema: $my-custom-schema

    Applying the custom theme

    The easiest way to apply your theme is with a sass @include statement in the global styles file:

    @include grid($custom-theme);

    Scoped component theme

    In order for the custom theme do affect only specific component, you can move all of the styles you just defined from the global styles file to the custom component's style file (including the import of the index file).

    This way, due to Angular's ViewEncapsulation, your styles will be applied only to your custom component.


    If the component is using an Emulated ViewEncapsulation, it is necessary to penetrate this encapsulation using ::ng-deep in order to style the grid.


    Wrap the statement inside of a :host selector to prevent your styles from affecting elements outside of our component:

    :host {
        ::ng-deep {
            @include grid($custom-theme);



    The sample will not be affected by the selected global theme from Change Theme.

    API References

    Additional Resources

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