Angular Hierarchical Grid Column Types

    Ignite UI for Angular Hierarchical Grid provides a default handling of number, string, date, boolean, currency and percent column data types, based on which the appearance of the default and editing templates will be present.

    Default template

    If you want to enable a data type-specific template, you should set the column dataType input otherwise the column will be treated as a string column since that is the default value for column dataType. Let's see what are the default templates for each type.


    This column dataType is not changing the appearance or format of the cell value.


    If the dataType is set to number, the cell value will be formatted based on application or grid's locale settings, as well as when pipeArgs property is specified. Then the number format will be changed based on them, for example it might change the:

    • Number of digits after the decimal point
    • Decimal separator with , or .
    public options = {
      digitsInfo: '1.4-4',
    public formatOptions = this.options;
    <igx-column [pipeArgs]="formatOptions" [dataType]="'number'">

    DateTime, Date and Time

    The appearance of the date portions will be set (e.g. day, month, year) based on locale format or pipeArgs input. The pipe arguments can be used to specify a custom date format or timezone:

    • format - The default value for formatting the date is 'mediumDate'. Other available options are 'short', 'long', 'shortDate', 'fullDate', 'longTime', 'fulLTime' and etc. This is a full list of all available pre-defined format options.
    • timezone - The user's local system timezone is the default value. The timezone offset or standard GMT/UTC or continental US timezone abbreviation can also be passed. Different timezone examples which will display the corresponding time of the location anywhere in the world:
    public formatDateOptions = {
        /** The date/time components that a date column will display, using predefined options or a custom format string. */
        /** e.g 'dd/mm/yyyy' or 'shortDate' **/
        format: 'longDate',
        /** A timezone offset (such as '+0430'), or a standard UTC/GMT or continental US timezone abbreviation. */
        timezone: 'GMT'
    public formatOptions = this.options;
    <igx-column [pipeArgs]="formatDateOptions" [dataType]="'date'">

    Available timezones:

    Timezone Value
    Alpha Time Zone ‘UTC+1’
    Australian Central Time ‘UTC+9:30/ +10:30’
    Arabia Standard Time ‘UTC+3’
    Central Standard Time ‘UTC-6’
    China Standard Time ‘UTC+8’
    Delta Time Zone ‘UTC+4’
    Greenwich Mean Time ‘UTC+0’
    Gulf Standard Time ‘UTC+4’
    Hawaii Standard Time ‘UTC-10’
    India Standard Time ‘UTC+4’

    The Hierarchical Grid accepts date values of type Date object, Number (milliseconds), An ISO date-time string. This section shows how to configure a custom display format.

    As you can see in the sample, we specify a different format options in order to showcase the available formats for the specific column type. For example, below you can find the format options for the time portion of the date object:

    // Time format with equivalent example
    public timeFormats = [
        { format: 'shortTime', eq: 'h:mm a' },
        { format: 'mediumTime', eq: 'h:mm:ss a' },
        { format: 'longTime', eq: 'h:mm:ss a z' },
        { format: 'fullTime', eq: 'h:mm:ss a zzzz' },

    Cell editing

    When it comes to cell editing based on the column type a different editor will appear:


    The same editors listed above will be used when it comes to Quick Filtering/Excel-style Filtering. These are the following filtering operands that each type exposes:

    • dateTime and date - Equals, Does Not Equal, Before, After, Today, Yesterday, This Month, Last Month, Next Month, This Year, Last Year, Next Year, Empty, Not Empty, Null, Not Null;
    • time - At, Not At, Before, After, At or Before, At or After, Empty, Not Empty, Null, Not Null;


    The available Summary operands will be Count, Earliest (date/time) and Latest (date/time).


    Time type column sorts based on the time portion of the object, ms will be disregarded. Date type column sorts based on the date portion, disregards the time portion. DateTime column sorts based on the full date


    The default template is using material icons for visualization of boolean values - 'clear' icon for false values and 'check' icon for true values. As for the editing template, it is using igx-checkbox component.

    <igx-column [dataType]="'boolean'">


    Default template

    The default template will show a numeric value with currency symbol that would be either prefixed or suffixed. Both currency symbol location and number value formatting is based on the provided Application LOCALE_ID or Hierarchical Grid locale.

    By using LOCALE_ID

    import { LOCALE_ID } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'app-component.sample',
        templateUrl: 'grid-component.sample.html',
        providers: [{provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'fr-FR' }]

    By using Grid's locale

    <igx-grid [locale]="'fr-FR'" [data]="data">

    By using the pipeArgs input the end-user can customize the number format by decimal point, currencyCode and display.

    public options = {
      digitsInfo: '3.4-4',
      currencyCode: 'USD',
      display: 'symbol-narrow'
    public formatOptions = this.options;
    <igx-column field="UnitsInStock"
    Parameter Description
    digitsInfo Represents Decimal representation of currency value
    currencyCode ISO 4217 currency code
    display* Displays the value by narrow or wide symbol

    *display - for the default en-US locale, the code USD can be represented by the narrow symbol $ or the wide symbol US$.

    Upon editing of cell's value the currency symbol will be visible as suffix or prefix. More about that could be found in the official Cell editing topic.


    When using up/down arrow keys the value will increment/decrement with a step based on the digitsInfo - minFractionDigits (The minimum number of digits after the decimal point. Default is 0)


    Default template is showing the percent equivalent of the underlying numeric value. The displayed cell value is a multiplied result by display factor of '100' - for example, as the default factor is 100 and the "value" passed to the cell is 0.123, then the displayed cell value will be "12.3%".

    When it comes to cell editing, the value will be the same as the data source value - the display factor is '1'. Upon editing of the cell a preview of the percent value will be shown as a suffix element.For example, while editing '0.0547' the preview element will show '5.47%'.

    public options = {
        * Decimal representation options, specified by a string in the following format:
        * `{minIntegerDigits}`.`{minFractionDigits}`-`{maxFractionDigits}`.
        * `minIntegerDigits`: The minimum number of integer digits before the decimal point. Default is 1.
        * `minFractionDigits`: The minimum number of digits after the decimal point. Default is 0.
        * `maxFractionDigits`: The maximum number of digits after the decimal point. Default is 3.
        digitsInfo: '2.2-3'
    public formatPercentOptions = this.options;
    <igx-column field="UnitsInStock"

    When using up/down arrow keys the value will increment/decrement with a step based on the digitsInfo - minFractionDigits (The minimum number of digits after the decimal point. Default is 0)


    Default template is using the value coming from the data as an image source to a default image template. The default image template will extract the name of the image file and set it as alt attribute of the image to meet the accessibility requirement. The displayed cell size is adjusted to the sizes of the images rendered, so keep in mind that large images will still be rendered and the grid rows will become as large as the images in the image column. Filtering, sorting and grouping will be turned off by default for image type columns. If you want to enable them, you need to provide custom strategies which perform the data operations.

    <igx-column [dataType]="'image'">

    When auto-generating columns, the grid analyses the values in the first data record. If a value is of type string and matches the pattern of a url ending in an image extension (gif, jpg, jpeg, tiff, png, webp, bmp) then the column will automatically be marked as dataType === GridColumnDataType.Image and a default image template will be rendered.

    Default editing template

    See the editing templates part of Hierarchical Grid Editing topic

    Custom editing template and formatter

    Custom template and column formatter definition will always take precedence over the column data type set:

    Custom template

    <igx-grid #grid1 [data]="data | async" [autoGenerate]="false">
        <igx-column [field]="'UnitsInStock'" [dataType]="'currency'" [pipeArgs]="formatOptions" [editable]="true">
            <ng-template igxCellEditor let-value>
                {{ value | currency:'USD':'symbol':'1.0-0'}}

    Column formatter

     // Through column formatter property
    public formatCurrency(value: number) {
        return `Dollar sign ${value.toFixed(0)}`;
    public init(column: IgxColumnComponent) {
        switch (column.field) {
            case 'UnitsInStock':
                column.formatter = this.formatCurrency;

    API References

    Additional Resources