Interface TreeGridType

An interface describing a Tree Grid type. It is essentially the blueprint to a grid kind Contains definitions of properties and methods, relevant to a grid kind Extends from GridType


Hierarchy (view full)





_baseFontSize?: number

The default font size, calculated for each element

_filteredSortedUnpinnedData: any[]
_filteredUnpinnedData: any[]
_totalRecords: number
activeNodeChange: EventEmitter<IActiveNodeChangeEventArgs>
advancedFilteringExpressionsTree: IFilteringExpressionsTree
advancedFilteringExpressionsTreeChange: EventEmitter<IFilteringExpressionsTree>
allowAdvancedFiltering: boolean
allowFiltering: boolean

Indicates whether filtering in the grid is enabled. If te value is true, the grid can be filtered

batchEditing: boolean
batchEditingChange?: EventEmitter<boolean>
calcHeight: number

CSS styling calculated for an element: calcHeight, calcWidth, outerWidth

calcWidth: number
cascadeOnDelete?: boolean
cdr: ChangeDetectorRef

Provides change detection functionality. A change-detection tree collects all views that are to be checked for changes. The property cannot be changed (readonly)

cellClick: EventEmitter<IGridCellEventArgs>
cellEdit: EventEmitter<IGridEditEventArgs>
cellEditDone: EventEmitter<IGridEditDoneEventArgs>
cellEditEnter: EventEmitter<IGridEditEventArgs>
cellEditExit: EventEmitter<IGridEditDoneEventArgs>
cellSelection: GridSelectionMode

Represents the selection mode for cells: 'none','single', 'multiple', 'multipleCascade'

childDataKey?: any
childLayoutKeys?: any[]
childLayoutList?: QueryList<any>
columnInDrag: any

Indicates if the column of the grid is in drag mode

columnList: QueryList<ColumnType>

An unmodifiable list, containing all the columns of the grid.

columnMoving: EventEmitter<IColumnMovingEventArgs>
columnMovingEnd: EventEmitter<IColumnMovingEndEventArgs>
columnMovingStart: EventEmitter<IColumnMovingStartEventArgs>
columnPin: EventEmitter<IPinColumnCancellableEventArgs>
columnPinned: EventEmitter<IPinColumnEventArgs>
columnResized: EventEmitter<IColumnResizeEventArgs>
columns: ColumnType[]
columnSelection: GridSelectionMode

Represents the selection mode for columns: 'none','single', 'multiple', 'multipleCascade'

columnSelectionChanging: EventEmitter<IColumnSelectionEventArgs>
columnVisibilityChanged: EventEmitter<IColumnVisibilityChangedEventArgs>
columnVisibilityChanging: EventEmitter<IColumnVisibilityChangingEventArgs>
columnWidthSetByUser: boolean

Indicates whether the width of the column is set by the user, or is configured automatically.

contextMenu: EventEmitter<IGridContextMenuEventArgs>
currencyPositionLeft: boolean

Indicates whether the currency symbol is positioned to the left of values.

data: any[]
dataCloneStrategy: IDataCloneStrategy

Strategy, used for cloning the provided data. The type has one method, that takes any type of data

dataRowList: any
dataView: any[]
dataWithAddedInTransactionRows: any[]
defaultHeaderGroupMinWidth: any

Minimal width for headers

defaultRowHeight: number
defaultSummaryHeight: number
disableTransitions: boolean

Indicates whether transitions are disabled for the grid.

doubleClick: EventEmitter<IGridCellEventArgs>
dragIndicatorIconBase: any

The base drag indicator icon. Could be of any type

dragIndicatorIconTemplate: any

The template for drag indicator icons. Could be of any type

excelStyleHeaderIconTemplate: TemplateRef<IgxGridHeaderTemplateContext>

The template for header icon It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

expansionDepth?: number
expansionStates: Map<any, boolean>
filteredSortedData: any[]
filtering: EventEmitter<IFilteringEventArgs>
filteringDone: EventEmitter<IFilteringExpressionsTree>
filteringExpressionsTree: IFilteringExpressionsTree
filteringExpressionsTreeChange: EventEmitter<IFilteringExpressionsTree>
filteringLogic: FilteringLogic
filteringPipeTrigger: number
filterMode: FilterMode

The filter mode for the grid. It can be quick filter of excel-style filter

filterStrategy: IFilteringStrategy
firstEditableColumnIndex: number
flatData?: any[]
foreignKey?: any
formGroupCreated: EventEmitter<IGridFormGroupCreatedEventArgs>
getHeaderCellWidth: ((element: HTMLElement) => ISizeInfo)

Property, that gets the header cell inner width for auto-sizing.

Type declaration

Represents the grid service type providing API methods for the grid

gridKeydown: EventEmitter<IGridKeydownEventArgs>
groupByRowSelectorTemplate?: TemplateRef<IgxGroupByRowSelectorTemplateContext>

Optional The template for the group row selector. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

groupingExpansionState?: IGroupByExpandState[]
groupingExpressions?: IGroupingExpression[]
groupingExpressionsChange?: EventEmitter<IGroupingExpression[]>
groupingFlatResult?: any[]
groupingMetadata?: any[]
groupingResult?: any[]
groupRowTemplate?: TemplateRef<IgxGroupByRowTemplateContext>

Optional The template for group-by rows. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

groupsExpanded?: boolean
groupsRecords?: IGroupByRecord[]
groupStrategy?: IGridGroupingStrategy
hasChildrenKey?: any
hasDetails: boolean
hasExpandableChildren?: boolean

Optional Indicates whether the grid has expandable children (hierarchical and tree grid)

hasPinnedRecords: boolean
hasVisibleColumns: boolean

Indicates whether the grid has columns that are shown

headerCollapsedIndicatorTemplate: TemplateRef<IgxGridTemplateContext>

The template for header collapsed indicators. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

headerExpandedIndicatorTemplate: TemplateRef<IgxGridTemplateContext>

The template for header expanded indicators. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

headerFeaturesWidth: number
headSelectorBaseAriaLabel: string
headSelectorTemplate: TemplateRef<IgxHeadSelectorTemplateContext>

The template for the header selector. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

hiddenColumnsCount: number

Represents the count of only the hidden (not visible) columns

highlightedRowID?: any
iconTemplate?: TemplateRef<any>

Optional The template for grid icons. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

id: string

Represents the unique identifier of the grid.

isCellSelectable: boolean

Indicates whether cells are selectable in the grid

isLoading: boolean
isMultiRowSelectionEnabled: boolean

Indicates whether it is allowed to select more than one row in the grid

isPinningToStart: boolean

Indicates whether the grid's element is pinned to the start of the grid

isRowPinningToTop: boolean
isRowSelectable: boolean

Indicates whether the grid's rows can be selected

lastChildGrid?: GridType
lastEditableColumnIndex: number
lastSearchInfo: ISearchInfo

Represents the last search in the grid It contains the search text (the user has entered), the match and some settings for the search

loadChildrenOnDemand?: ((parentID: any, done: ((children: any[]) => void)) => void)

Type declaration

    • (parentID, done): void
    • Parameters

      • parentID: any
      • done: ((children: any[]) => void)
          • (children): void
          • Parameters

            • children: any[]

            Returns void

      Returns void

loadingRows?: Set<any>
locale: string

Represents the locale of the grid: USD, EUR, GBP, CNY, JPY, etc.

localeChange: EventEmitter<boolean>
maxLevelHeaderDepth: number
moving: boolean

Indicates whether the grid is currently in a moving state.

multiRowLayoutRowSize: number
nativeElement: HTMLElement

Represents the native HTML element itself

navigation: any
outerWidth: number
outlet: any
pagingMode: GridPagingMode

Represents the paging of the grid. It can be either 'Local' or 'Remote'

  • Local: Default value; The grid will paginate the data source based on the page
parent?: GridType
parentVirtDir: any
pinnedColumns: ColumnType[]

An array of columns, but it counts only the ones that are pinned

pinnedColumnsCount: number

Represents the count of only the pinned columns

pinnedRecords: any[]
pinnedRecordsCount: number
pinnedRows: any[]
pinnedWidth: number

The width of pinned element

The configuration for columns and rows pinning in the grid It's of type IPinningConfig, which can have value for columns (start, end) and for rows (top, bottom)

pipeTrigger: number
primaryKey: string

Represents the unique primary key used for identifying rows in the grid

processedExpandedFlatData?: any[]
processedRecords?: Map<any, ITreeGridRecord>
processedRootRecords?: ITreeGridRecord[]
rangeSelected: EventEmitter<GridSelectionRange>
records: Map<any, ITreeGridRecord>
rendered$: Observable<boolean>
renderedRowHeight: number

The height of the visible rows in the grid.

resizeNotify: Subject<void>
resourceStrings: IGridResourceStrings
rootGrid?: GridType
rootRecords?: ITreeGridRecord[]
rootSummariesEnabled: boolean
rowAdd: EventEmitter<IRowDataCancelableEventArgs>
rowAdded: EventEmitter<IRowDataEventArgs>
rowAddedNotifier: Subject<IRowDataEventArgs>
rowClick: EventEmitter<IGridRowEventArgs>
rowCollapsedIndicatorTemplate: TemplateRef<IgxGridRowTemplateContext>

The template for collapsed row indicators. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

rowDelete: EventEmitter<IRowDataCancelableEventArgs>
rowDeleted: EventEmitter<IRowDataEventArgs>
rowDeletedNotifier: Subject<IRowDataEventArgs>
rowDragEnd: EventEmitter<IRowDragEndEventArgs>
rowDraggable: boolean

Indicates whether rows in the grid can be dragged. If te value is true, the rows can be dragged

rowDragging: boolean

Indicates whether a row is currently being dragged

rowDragStart: EventEmitter<IRowDragStartEventArgs>
rowEdit: EventEmitter<IGridEditEventArgs>
rowEditable: boolean

Indicates whether rows in the grid are editable. If te value is true, the rows can be edited

rowEditDone: EventEmitter<IGridEditDoneEventArgs>
rowEditEnter: EventEmitter<IGridEditEventArgs>
rowEditExit: EventEmitter<IGridEditDoneEventArgs>
rowEditingOverlay: IgxToggleDirective
rowEditTabs: any
rowExpandedIndicatorTemplate: TemplateRef<IgxGridRowTemplateContext>

The template for expanded row indicators. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

rowHeight: number

The height of each row in the grid. Setting a constant height can solve problems with not showing all elements when scrolling

rowList: any
rowLoadingIndicatorTemplate?: TemplateRef<any>

Optional The template for row loading indicators. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

rowSelection: GridSelectionMode

Represents the selection mode for rows: 'none','single', 'multiple', 'multipleCascade'

rowSelectionChanging: EventEmitter<IRowSelectionEventArgs>
rowSelectorTemplate: TemplateRef<IgxRowSelectorTemplateContext>

The template for row selectors. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

rowToggle: EventEmitter<IRowToggleEventArgs>
scrollSize: number
selected: EventEmitter<IGridCellEventArgs>
selectedCells?: CellType[]
selectedRows: any[]
selectionService: any

The service handling selection in the grid. Selecting, deselecting elements

selectRowOnClick: boolean
showExpandAll?: boolean

Optional Indicates whether collapsed grid elements should be expanded

showRowSelectors: boolean

Indicates whether the selectors of the rows are visible

sortAscendingHeaderIconTemplate: TemplateRef<IgxGridHeaderTemplateContext>

The template for ascending sort header icons. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

sortDescendingHeaderIconTemplate: TemplateRef<IgxGridHeaderTemplateContext>

The template for descending sort header icons. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

sortHeaderIconTemplate: TemplateRef<IgxGridHeaderTemplateContext>

The template for sort header icons. It is of type TemplateRef, which represents an embedded template, used to instantiate embedded views

sortingExpressions: ISortingExpression<any>[]
sortingExpressionsChange: EventEmitter<ISortingExpression<any>[]>
sortingOptions: ISortingOptions
sortStrategy: IGridSortingStrategy
summariesMargin: number

The CSS margin of the summaries

summariesRowList: any
summaryCalculationMode: GridSummaryCalculationMode

Represents the calculation mode for summaries: 'rootLevelOnly', 'childLevelsOnly', 'rootAndChildLevels'

summaryPipeTrigger: number
summaryPosition: GridSummaryPosition

Represents the position of summaries: 'top', 'bottom'

summaryRowHeight: number
tbody: any
toolbarExporting: EventEmitter<IGridToolbarExportEventArgs>
totalRowsCountAfterFilter: number

Represents the transaction service for the grid.

treeGroupArea?: any
uniqueColumnValuesStrategy: ((column: ColumnType, tree: FilteringExpressionsTree, done: ((values: any[]) => void)) => void)

Property, that provides a callback for loading unique column values on demand. If this property is provided, the unique values it generates will be used by the Excel Style Filtering

Type declaration

    • (column, tree, done): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

unpinnedColumns: ColumnType[]

An array of columns, but it counts only the ones that are not pinned

unpinnedRecords: any[]
unpinnedWidth: number

The width of unpinned element

updateOnRender?: boolean
validation: IgxGridValidationService

Represents the validation service for the grid. The type contains properties and methods (logic) for validating records

validationStatusChange: EventEmitter<IGridValidationStatusEventArgs>
validationTrigger: GridValidationTrigger

The trigger for grid validation. It's value can either be change or blur

verticalScrollContainer: any
virtualizationState: IForOfState

Represents the state of virtualization for the grid. It has an owner, start index and chunk size

visibleColumns: ColumnType[]

An array of columns, but it counts only the ones visible (not hidden) in the view

