WPF Tile Manager
Configure the layout fully by enabling the moving and resizing of tiles and changing the state of the tiles at run time.
DOWNLOAD WPF SamplesTile Layout
Arrange tiles explicitly in regimented columns and rows (as in a Grid panel), span multiple columns and rows, or display them as a data-bound Items Control that automatically creates a series of tiles.

Drag and Drop
Supports the dragging and rearranging of tiles.

State-Based Customization
Define different item templates and size constraints to your tiles and have them automatically applied when the state changes between minimized, minimized expanded, normal, and maximized.

Tile Resizing
Supports the dynamic resizing of tiles with resizing indicators.

Built-in or custom-provided animations can play during state transitions of tiles.

Save/Load Layout
Save changes your users have made to the layout at run-time, and restore them later.